Diabetics - Add Years to Your Life by Reversing Diabetes
Has medical science been asleep at the switch? I was stunned when my wife Margie learned that she was pre-diabetic.
Does this mean a lifetime of drugs and insulin therapy that two family friends endured? Would it mean a greatly shortened life? The answer to these two questions has been a flat-out NO! One friend was diagnosed with diabetes many years ago.
He is currently on kidney dialysis and suffered through two amputations of one leg--diabetic complications, and his healthcare providers are debating about removing the foot from the remaining leg.
The other friend was afflicted with diabetes coupled with obesity.
He had a fondness for sugar-loaded soda pop that he used to wash down boxes of candy bars.
His doctor's scale only read as high as 350 pounds so we really don't know how much he weighed when he died at age 68.
A No Sugar, Low Carb Diet, and No Needles Margie quickly decided on a course of action.
No drugs or insulin shots were included in her plans (she hates needles).
She worked out a strict no-sugar, very low carbohydrate diet.
She began regular workouts at the gym.
The results were nothing short of a miracle-after about four months her blood sugar was back to the normal range and is holding steady.
One amazing side effect to the diet was losing nearly 50 pounds.
Her dress size is now a size 6, and she is giving away her "fat clothes," which are mostly size 18.
Was It A Miracle? But we have come to learn that there is nothing miraculous about her cure.
Thousands of documented cases just like Margie's prove-contrary to currently accepted medical theory-that diabetes is incurable.
This is only a half-truth.
Diabetes is incurable when drugs and insulin therapy is used to treat the "symptoms.
" Thank you Dr.
Bernstein! Dr.
Richard Bernstein, a respected member of the medical community, was recently quoted in an article published by the National Institutes of Health.
He wrote, "How long can we as a profession afford to keep our heads in the sand regarding the benefits of low carb diets for diabetics?" It is interesting to note that Dr.
Bernstein had been receiving insulin therapy since he was 12 years old.
So what is our government doing to get the word out? Where is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doing about a disease that is reaching epidemic proportions? Here's what one authority says, "The thing that bugs me is that people think the Food and Drug Administration is protecting them -- it isn't.
What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day.
" - Dr.
Herbert L.
Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA.
Does this mean a lifetime of drugs and insulin therapy that two family friends endured? Would it mean a greatly shortened life? The answer to these two questions has been a flat-out NO! One friend was diagnosed with diabetes many years ago.
He is currently on kidney dialysis and suffered through two amputations of one leg--diabetic complications, and his healthcare providers are debating about removing the foot from the remaining leg.
The other friend was afflicted with diabetes coupled with obesity.
He had a fondness for sugar-loaded soda pop that he used to wash down boxes of candy bars.
His doctor's scale only read as high as 350 pounds so we really don't know how much he weighed when he died at age 68.
A No Sugar, Low Carb Diet, and No Needles Margie quickly decided on a course of action.
No drugs or insulin shots were included in her plans (she hates needles).
She worked out a strict no-sugar, very low carbohydrate diet.
She began regular workouts at the gym.
The results were nothing short of a miracle-after about four months her blood sugar was back to the normal range and is holding steady.
One amazing side effect to the diet was losing nearly 50 pounds.
Her dress size is now a size 6, and she is giving away her "fat clothes," which are mostly size 18.
Was It A Miracle? But we have come to learn that there is nothing miraculous about her cure.
Thousands of documented cases just like Margie's prove-contrary to currently accepted medical theory-that diabetes is incurable.
This is only a half-truth.
Diabetes is incurable when drugs and insulin therapy is used to treat the "symptoms.
" Thank you Dr.
Bernstein! Dr.
Richard Bernstein, a respected member of the medical community, was recently quoted in an article published by the National Institutes of Health.
He wrote, "How long can we as a profession afford to keep our heads in the sand regarding the benefits of low carb diets for diabetics?" It is interesting to note that Dr.
Bernstein had been receiving insulin therapy since he was 12 years old.
So what is our government doing to get the word out? Where is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doing about a disease that is reaching epidemic proportions? Here's what one authority says, "The thing that bugs me is that people think the Food and Drug Administration is protecting them -- it isn't.
What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day.
" - Dr.
Herbert L.
Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA.