About the Muscular Fever
The main problem is that only some of these people know what muscular fever actually is and what causes such fever.
Apparently, there is a sort of urban legend spreading around the gyms according to which the lactic acid is the one responsible for the pain they feel after a gym session, this being a metabolic product which appears when someone makes a lot of effort.
Well, just like any urban legend, this one also has a bit of truth in it.
This metabolic product produces the sensation that your skin is burning, a sensation you usually feel when you make a lot of effort.
The lactic acid plays the same role in the body as a security system, protecting the body from too much effort, which could be harmful for it, damaging the muscles, the tendons, the joints ad so on.
The muscular fever is that severe pain which usually appears the second day and which can last for two or three days or even for a week.
This pain usually appears after making intense effort your muscles aren't used to.
The fever is actually caused by some microscopical ruptures of the muscular fibres, which are then recovered if you rest and eat well.
The muscular fibres thicken, they become stronger and more resistant, adapting to the new level of effort.
This is what muscular fever is all about.