National Opinion Survey Sites
- Some national opinion survey sites offer money or free samples for your opinions.woman with computer in the office image by Oleg Berlov from
National opinion survey sites are actively seeking information about public sentiment on political issues, current events and consumer purchasing habits. Of these three, online marketing research is the most prevalent. While some organizations do public polls on political and economic issues, most surveys are conducted by companies to gauge consumer spending habits. The Council of American Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) has established a Code of Standards and Ethics for survey researchers. - American Consumer Opinion is owned and operated by Decision Analyst, Inc., an international marketing research firm headquartered in Dallas. American Consumer Opinion has opinion survey panels consisting of consumers from around the world. They pay from $4 to $25 per survey, paying by check for each survey taken.
- Opinion Outpost gathers consumer information by surveying members. Most surveys take no longer than twenty minutes to complete. Survey invitations are sent by e-mail or are accessible in the members section of their website. Members take surveys and earn points that are equal to cash. Opinion Outpost pays by check.
- Founded by Luth Research of San Diego in 1999, SurveySavvy pays $15 or more for online surveys. Their membership includes consumers and business professionals from over 195 countries. They have a referral program that pays its members for referring other people to their site.