Tax Office Locations: When To Avoid Going To The Closest One
Concern #1: Security
By definition, when you have your returns prepared, you're going to be entrusting personal information to someone else. The vast majority of prep workers are professionals, and the vast majority of companies are highly secure and very trustworthy. But depending on where you live, the ones in your neighborhood may not conform to these standards. If you're uncertain, check whether your local establishments are nationally recognized or only exist nearby. If they're very local, trusting them might be a risk.
Concern #2: Quality
Having a skilled prep worker complete your return is absolutely vital to getting the maximum refund you can legally receive. However, a lot of the most skilled individuals prefer to work in the neighborhoods closest to where they live. During the typical season, a prep worker has their choice from a relatively large number of places that are looking to hire. Especially during the peak weeks, good workers are in high demand. Thus, if you want to find the best service, you'll want to look for the places that seem like they're in a position to offer the best packages to their employees. If you aren't sure your local companies fit the bill, it might be better to look elsewhere.
Concern #3: Specialization
Having a particularly tough or complex tax situation is a good reason to seek out a specialist. Not every Michigan tax consultant will be a specialist in relevant industrial exemptions; finding someone who is might require a bit more of a trip, but could be worth it if it yields additional deductions, credits, or reduced liability.
This kind of concern is less common amongst private individuals filing personally, but it does apply to small business owners or independent contractors who may need specialized experience to find their maximum eligibility for deductions, etc.
In many cases, it won't be necessary to look for tax office locations beyond the closest one. But if you have any doubt that your local office knows how to handle your particular return or feel uncomfortable with their ability to keep your information safe, you're better off going elsewhere.