How Do I Transfer Contacts From a Blackberry 7510?
- 1). Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software on the computer.
- 2). Plug the BlackBerry into the computer using the USB connector cable. The device will register in the desktop manager software, and the Product ID Number (PIN) will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen.
- 3). Click the "Synchronize" button on the main menu of the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. The Synchronization window launches.
- 4). Click the "Synchronization" link in the left pane.
- 5). Click the "Synchronization" button in the main section of the screen. The Synchronization configuration wizard opens.
- 6). Check the checkbox in front of the "Addresses" option, and then click "Setup" to configure the BlackBerry Desktop Manager software to transfer your contact list from the BlackBerry to your computer. The "Addresses" option will transfer your contact list, along with phone numbers, addresses and email addresses of your contacts. A list of contact management applictaions available on your computer will open.
- 7). Click on the entry for application you use to manage your contact list on the computer. If you use Microsoft Outlook, click the "Microsoft Outlook" entry. Click "Next."
- 8). Click the "Sync Direction" radio button selection to select the direction of the transfer. For the first synchronization, select "One-Way Sync from the BlackBerry." This option will transfer your contacts from your BlackBerry onto the computer. computer. When synchronizing the device in the future, select "Two-Way Sync" to sychnronize both ways and merge the data.
- 9). Click "Next" and then click "Finish." The computer and BlackBerry are now configured for syncing. The Sychnronization screen re-appears.
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Check the checkbox in front of the "Synchronize Address Data" option and click the "Synchronize" button.