How To Detect Possible Symptoms of Autism
A child who is unable to speak or express himself in a normal way is displaying the most obvious sign of autism. Because they have a hard time learning language, speech is often delayed in autistic children. When they do start to speak, you will notice unusual characteristics to their speech. When engaged in conversation, they may repeat words over and over, or imitate what they've heard on television, for example. Having a flat or high pitched voice is also common among autistic children. Autistic people find using language to communicate difficult.
One thing parents, and teachers, typically notice is the autistic child showing zero interest in the games other kids like to play, or playing with the other kids. Children thrive on imagination, and it is indeed a most fertile period for children. Remember the autistic child sees the world differently, and the creative role playing is something that seems to be impossible for the autistic child to comprehend.
One other very well known area about autistics is their apparent inability to communicate in the way we normally do. Autistic children do not generally play the way other children do, and will tend to have their own, very individual behaviors that they like to act out. What you will see, however, is the child possibly movind in a certain manner, or playing with particular objects or just looking at them. That is simply why the autistic child is normally not seen engaging with other children in playing, sports, etc.
It is common for autistic children, who have not been accurately diagnosed, to be considered deaf. This is because they do not respond to language and often don't speak themselves, and when they do it's in an unusual way. Parents and teachers, therefore, who aren't familiar with the symptoms of autism, may mistakenly believe such a child cannot hear at all. Education and awareness of autism in children has reduced, apparently, the incidence of this kind of ignorance among parents and teachers. Special education classes must be made available to autistic children because obviously they do not respond to the usual communication. Symptoms of autism can vary quite a bit from one person to another. Autism is an incredibly unique disease for many reasons, and when you think about symptoms it's best to avoid generalizing about them. The degree of expression with autism will basically allow doctors to suggest a particular method or approach to treatment. There is still quite a bit of disagreement about what causes autism and the best way to treat it.