Why You Need a Root Canal
Deep cavities and tooth injury may result in pulp damage. Tooth pulp is a bunch of connective tissues found in the center of a tooth. When a tooth's exterior is broken due to physical trauma or tooth decay, bacteria and other organisms can enter the pulp area leaving it susceptible to infection. An infected pulp may also lead to the formation of a tooth abscess.
An abscess is the collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection, and it often elicits very sharp pain. Other symptoms of a tooth abscess include a more bitter sense of taste, fever, swollen lymph nodes and bad breath. Since tooth abscesses are painful, they cause general discomfort and make it difficult for people to eat or drink.
If you have had bad teeth in the past, your dentist would prescribe you antibiotics, pain medication, and warm salt-water rinses. Back then, there was no other way to save the deteriorating tooth except for extraction. Fortunately, dentists can now perform a root canal procedure to save the damaged tooth and relieve the patient of pain.
A root canal procedure requires a number of visits to your orland park dental clinic. During your first session, your dentist will make an opening through the posterior of the damaged tooth. The pulp will then be removed, and the remaining space will be cleaned and shaped. Your doctor will place a temporary filling on your tooth if you require more than one visit. On the following visits, the pulp will be permanently filled with a tapered rubber matter, and covered with a tooth crown.
Dentists in Tinley park il say that with proper care and maintenance, restored teeth can last a lifetime. The possibility of tooth decay is still likely with your newly restored tooth, so it is best to keep practicing good oral hygiene to prevent it. Tooth pulp is responsible for nourishing and keeping your teeth alive. Since the pulp is no longer present in your restored tooth, it is likely to become brittle and prone to breakage.
If left untreated, your tooth infection may spread to neighboring body organs and cause further systemic infection. If you are experiencing extreme tooth pain, visit your orland park dental clinic right away. Prompt treatment reduces further damage to your tooth, and overall health.
An abscess is the collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection, and it often elicits very sharp pain. Other symptoms of a tooth abscess include a more bitter sense of taste, fever, swollen lymph nodes and bad breath. Since tooth abscesses are painful, they cause general discomfort and make it difficult for people to eat or drink.
If you have had bad teeth in the past, your dentist would prescribe you antibiotics, pain medication, and warm salt-water rinses. Back then, there was no other way to save the deteriorating tooth except for extraction. Fortunately, dentists can now perform a root canal procedure to save the damaged tooth and relieve the patient of pain.
A root canal procedure requires a number of visits to your orland park dental clinic. During your first session, your dentist will make an opening through the posterior of the damaged tooth. The pulp will then be removed, and the remaining space will be cleaned and shaped. Your doctor will place a temporary filling on your tooth if you require more than one visit. On the following visits, the pulp will be permanently filled with a tapered rubber matter, and covered with a tooth crown.
Dentists in Tinley park il say that with proper care and maintenance, restored teeth can last a lifetime. The possibility of tooth decay is still likely with your newly restored tooth, so it is best to keep practicing good oral hygiene to prevent it. Tooth pulp is responsible for nourishing and keeping your teeth alive. Since the pulp is no longer present in your restored tooth, it is likely to become brittle and prone to breakage.
If left untreated, your tooth infection may spread to neighboring body organs and cause further systemic infection. If you are experiencing extreme tooth pain, visit your orland park dental clinic right away. Prompt treatment reduces further damage to your tooth, and overall health.