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Cancer & Oncology : Health & Medical
The Options For a Mesothelioma Patient
Receiving a diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer can be devastating not only for the patient but for his loved ones. News of this sort can leave someone with varying degrees of emotions ranging from anger to depression. It is easy after a life altering diagnosis to become despondent and give up hope.
Half of Cancer Survivors Die From Other Conditions
Many people fear that a cancer diagnosis carries an almost certain death sentence. But a new national study shows nearly half of cancer survivors die from other conditions.
Specialty Brewed Beers
If anyone says specialty beers are foo-foo beers, they are liars! Dont believe them! A strong thick dark ale cannot be swallowed by the meek or the weak
just step away from them slowly before they draw you into their delusions. The beer drinkers who stick with their domestic beers lack adventure
When Prostate PSA Levels Are Unusually High
If you are a man who is over 40, there's a good chance you've been told by your doctor or urologist that it is time for you to get a prostate PSA test to check for indications of cancer. If you have not done that yet, it is one of the most important things you can do.
Omega 3 Fish Oil - How Fish Oil Can Help With Cancer
Omega 3 fish oil has jumped to the top of the list in effective supplements people should take to maximize health and body functions. Having been extensively tested by many respected scientists over the last few years, it has been proven to be a great tool in gaining and maintaining overall good hea
There's Hope for Veterans Affected By Mesothelioma
We have been insulated from the horrors of war because our brave veterans have defended our country and our families.
Alternative Healing for Cancer?… or Surgery, Radiation & Chemotherapy?
So, you have been to the doctor and got the dreaded diagnosis – the Big C! The world as you know it just ended and a new chapter has started, but how do you deal with it? Read on for some insight on t
Cancer Staging and Grading-Other Places To Get Help
OrganizationsAmerican Cancer Society (ACS)Phone: 1-800-ACS-2345 (1-800-227-2345)Web Address: The American Cancer Society (ACS) conducts educational programs and offers many services to people with cancer and to their families. Staff at the toll-free number have information about ...
Shorter Treatments Available for Breast Cancer Patients
Radiation or chemotherapy treatment for some women with breast cancer can be shortened, according to two new studies presented here at a meeting of the nation's leading cancer physicians and researchers.
Learn About Alternative Cancer Treatments
When people think of cancer treatments, the most likely things to come to mind are probably chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Most people would be surprised to know that there are natural cancer treatments that can actually cure cancer.
Ways to Manage Your Medication
Organizing your medication can be overwhelming, especially if you take many different types. Learn how to effectively organize and manage your medications.
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma and almost always occurs due to asbestos exposure, and it is unfortunately one of the deadliest types of pulmonary cancer. As with any other invasive disease, earlier diagnosis often leads to additional treatment options and an improved pr
Turn to Radiology Experts for Breast Cancer Screening
Radiology services provide the highest level of detection for early stages of breast cancer. Visit your doctor for a digital mammogram for protection.
Cancer - My Old Story, Understanding The Cure!
Cancer! That is the name for it. It can bring many different unpleasant thoughts, but when you hear your Doctor say the word all of a sudden you are numb.
Videoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy for Metastatic Melanoma
Videoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy is a minimally invasive technique designed to minimize wound complications while achieving comparable oncological control.
High Concentrations of Amosite and Crocidolite Asbestos Fibers and Mesothelioma Disease
Asbestos bodies in sputum and bronchial washing specimens are highly specific markers for past asbestos exposure and reflect the presence of a significant asbestos load within the lungs
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Patient Information [NCI]-Treatment Options by Stage
A link to a list of current clinical trials is included for each treatment section. For some types or stages of cancer, there may not be any trials listed. Check with your doctor for clinical trials that are not listed here but may be right for you.Stages I and II Pancreatic CancerTreatment of ...
Advantages Of The Best Cancer Care To Fight Cancer
Cancer, in medical science demonstrated as malignant neoplasm, includes a broad range of diseases caused by the unregulated division and growth of cells at the expense of the surrounding cells.
Breast Reconstruction
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of breast reconstruction including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Mesothelioma - Big Latency Period is the Main Issue
Mesothelioma or the cancer of the lungs primarily affects the mesothelium of the organs and when this protective covering gets affected, the organs inside are vulnerable to attack and they invariably are not able to deal with the onslaught of the cancer cells. This disease mainly impacts those indiv