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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Treatment of Poststroke Aphasia
Aphasia can be a debilitating consequence of stroke. This review examines current approaches to post-stroke aphasia, and explores new modalities such as brain stimulation and other neuromodulators.
Serotonin Deficiency in Medulla Implicated in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
SIDS may result from developmental abnormalities in brainstem control of autonomic function and breathing. Dr. Laurie Barclay weighs in on the role of serotonin.
Brain Swelling
WebMD explains the many causes of brain swelling - from traumatic injury to stroke - along with symptoms to look out for and treatments to bring down the pressure.
Mimics, Chameleons: Guillain-Barre, Miller Fisher Syndromes
What are the differential diagnoses for patients presenting with acute flaccid paralysis and brainstem syndromes? This review highlights both common and unusual presentations of GBS-related disorders.
Brain Protein Tied to Alzheimer's Spotted in Young Adults
People as young as 20 have amyloid buildup, but researchers aren't sure what it means
Social Perception in First-Episode Schizophrenia
By means of fMRI, this study investigated whether the functional neural basis underlying self-experience and social perception is altered in first-episode schizophrenia.
ALS Diagnosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells, with symptoms of muscle atrophy and ultimately the inability to breathe once diaphragm and chest-wall muscles fail. ALS--inherited in about one in 10 cases and unexplained in the remainder--appeared in
Neuroinflammation and MMPs: Potential Therapeutic Targets in Neonatal Hypoxic-ischemic Injury
Due to difficulties regarding the early diagnosis and treatment of hypoxic-ischemic injury, there is a growing need for effective therapies that can be delivered at delayed time points.
How to Find a Carpal Tunnel Doctor
If you think you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you likely have pain, numbness or tingling in your fingers and hand. For the proper treatment, seek help early on. You must first have the correct diagnosis and then understand your treatment options. The first step is to find the right doctor, preferabl
Treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica
What are the possible interventions for this type of neuropathic pain?
Herbs That Help With Neuropathy
Although neuropathy (a disease or disorder of the nervous system) is an extremely common condition, there is not just one cause, symptom, or cure. Sadly, many people are misdiagnosed, given incorrect treatment, or suffer with the pain even while under treatment. You must be vigilant in your own trea
Alzheimer's Disease Living & Managing
Living with Alzheimer's disease means caring for the patient -- and caring for the caregiver. Here's how to manage both of those essential tasks.
Pain and Multiple Sclerosis
Information about some of the most common types of pain experienced by Multiple Sclerosis patients.
Patient Information for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition of one of the trigeminal nerves of the face which causes intense episodes of pain in the face. While it is not life threatening, trigeminal neuralgia can cause debilitating pain.
Tips for Parents of Children With Epilepsy-Credits
A list of contributors to the topic on Tips for Parents of Children With Epilepsy.
Antidepressant Eases Alzheimer's
A new study shows treating the depression that often accompanies Alzheimer's disease with an antidepressant can help make the daily routine easier for all involved.
Hot Tip: Curry May Protect Aging Brain
Small doses of curry could help protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease -- at least that's the effect in rats. How it translates to humans has yet to be determined.
Sunlight Exposure and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Could sun exposure have a protective effect on cardiovascular health?