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Women's Health : Health & Medical
Swimwear for Plus Size Women - Tips on How to Look Your Best in a Swimsuit
Long time ago, when girls and boys were playing and swimming in the water, plus size women sat and watched the fun these youngsters have. Now with designers making beautiful plus size swimsuits even these women can participate and have fun.
Breast Reconstruction - Know About the Various Techniques Available
When a woman finds out that she has breast cancer, it can be a devastating experience. After she is treated for the cancer and has a mastectomy, there are several techniques that can be used in order to reconstruct a new breast. This can be accomplished using implants or the patient's own skin
Menopause Tips - Exercise and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Getting exercise is an important part of daily life; it helps keep us fit and well and makes us feel better. Growing older should be no excuse for stopping an exercise regime, and in fact it is more important than ever to exercise as we age.
Identify Your Body Shape to Create an Hourglass Shape
Glamorous and sophisticated fashions that we see and admire on TV and magazines are built on the firm foundation of the classic hourglass shape. Everyone isn't born with it, but you can effectively mimic the hourglass shape. Plus size or not, the hourglass shape makes the body look feminine, lo
Tubal Reversal Surgery - How to Choose the Best Doctor
Considering the number of choices, choosing the best tubal reversal doctor is one of the most important questions to consider before a woman moves forward with planning her tubal reversal procedure. Training, experience, availability, and patient support can vary greatly between doctors and faciliti
PMS, Perio-Menopause, Or Menopause - Where Do I Start As a Woman? - I Am Confused?
As an advanced compounding pharmacist and PCCA (Professional Compounding centres of America) member I have been well equipped and privileged (over the last seven years) to develop a clientele of more than five hundred women who use BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy). In addition, the va
Yeast Infection Relief
Yeast infection generally occurring in areas of the body that retain moisture. It is the main cause of yeast infection. This makes areas like the mouth, genitals, underarms, hand and feet most prone to such disease.
I Have Unwanted Hair So I Got a Hair Removal Wax
Women everywhere will understand how difficult life can be when you have unwanted hair anywhere on your body. Whether it's facial hair, leg hair or bikini hair, all you really want it to have it removed. Get some advice in this article.
Facing Menopause? There's a Chinese Herb That Could Be a Better Than HRT
Studies have shown that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) carries with it the risk of breast and uterine tumors. As this article points out, there may be a new, natural answer for treating menopause that may eliminate this risk. It's a combination of Chinese herbs called MF101 and could be a go
Bacterial Vaginosis Herbal Treatments - Cure Your BV With Wonder Herbs
The utilization of herbal medications has been discovered thousands of years ago and has continued until the modern times of today. What's even good news is that it forms an integral part of bacterial vaginosis herbal treatments and includes a wide range of different antiseptic, antifungal and
A Yeast Infection Looks Like This - A Quick Guide for Women
A yeast infection, or Candidiasis, can be caused by a number of factors. Here are some signs to look for to find out if you might have an infection.
The Perfect Manicure
Simple and fast manicure from home. Use items that you have around the house and save money.
Comfy Yoga Wears For A Blissful Practice
The healing aspects of yoga, for both the body and the mind, are one of the reasons why the practice has become more and more popular the past two decades in western cultures as more people discover the overall health benefits.
Natural Ovarian Cyst Treatment - Helping You Live a Happy and Healthy Life
Ovarian cyst is one of the most common problems that thousands of women face. Many women, just like you, struggled with this kind of problem without looking for an ovarian cyst treatment because they think that it's a natural part of their menstrual cycle.
The Facts and Benefits of Surrogacy in India
If you are an individual, or even a couple that has failed to successfully conceive or carry a child, then surrogacy abroad may be a reasonable option. Of course, it may not always be that simple, especially not when cost is a factor in the Westernized countries, and laws do not offer sufficient pro
Natural Menopause Treatment - Homeopathy is the Most Efficient
Natural menopause treatment means taking the whole of you into consideration. It means looking at other issues, issues of your overall health. It means taking control and changing.
Intestinal Yeast Infection - 5 Serious Intestinal Yeast Infection Symptoms
You may have an intestinal yeast infection if you are suffering with bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, heartburn, or rectal itching. You may use these 5 serious symptoms as talking points with your family doctor. Your intestines are populated with many, many beneficial bacteria and enzymes.
HSG Test -5 Things You Must Know Before Having Your HSG Test
Before you get any kind of infertility treatment, you need to have an HSG test.But there are 5 things your doctor may not have shared with you about how the HSG test works, and what it can do for your future fertility and ability to get pregnant.
State Infant Mortality: Ecologic Study to Determine Modifiable Risks, Adjusted Infant Mortality
What are the adjusted infant mortality rates by state on the basis of factors determined to influence infant mortality?
Considering Ovarian Cyst Surgery? Stop! There Are Natural Alternatives to End Your Pain!
Ovarian cyst surgery is not the end all be all to get relief from your cysts. There are natural alternatives, you do not have to go under the knife!