Grandparents - Following Your Own Passions to Support Your Children, Grandchildren and Family
Grandparents are often in the unique position of having the time, freedom and resources to begin to live their dreams in new ways.
Whether to Care For Grandchildren However, this new found freedom may be coupled with feelings of responsibility towards offspring and the pressure to be involved in the rearing of grandchildren.
It is natural to want to support your children.
But you can do this in ways other than playing a significant role in the care of your grandchildren.
The Importance of Following Your Own Passions By tuning into and following your own passions, you come into alignment with your own purpose and how that wants to be expressed at this point in your life.
You step out of the hum drum of 'shoulds' and step into the adventure of this amazing life.
You tap into your eternal youth, your health improves and your very presence refreshes those around you.
You become an inspiration to your children andgrandchildren as you give them permission to pursue their own passions and bring forth their own unique gifts.
Your Legacy To Your Family How you live your life and what you model to your children can be precious gifts for them.
Far greater that any other assistance they had given me (or could have), are the memories and inspiration of my grandparents making decisions based on their own truth and choosing to live their own authenticity even if it was unconventional.
I feel so grateful to my grandparents who freed me to express my uniqueness.
You too can inspire your children and grandchildren by doing what you love.
What gives you a buzz? What fills you with excitement and possibility? You can take steps in the direction of your greatest dreams knowing that you are passing on great riches to your children, grandchildren and all who come after you.
Whether to Care For Grandchildren However, this new found freedom may be coupled with feelings of responsibility towards offspring and the pressure to be involved in the rearing of grandchildren.
It is natural to want to support your children.
But you can do this in ways other than playing a significant role in the care of your grandchildren.
The Importance of Following Your Own Passions By tuning into and following your own passions, you come into alignment with your own purpose and how that wants to be expressed at this point in your life.
You step out of the hum drum of 'shoulds' and step into the adventure of this amazing life.
You tap into your eternal youth, your health improves and your very presence refreshes those around you.
You become an inspiration to your children andgrandchildren as you give them permission to pursue their own passions and bring forth their own unique gifts.
Your Legacy To Your Family How you live your life and what you model to your children can be precious gifts for them.
Far greater that any other assistance they had given me (or could have), are the memories and inspiration of my grandparents making decisions based on their own truth and choosing to live their own authenticity even if it was unconventional.
I feel so grateful to my grandparents who freed me to express my uniqueness.
You too can inspire your children and grandchildren by doing what you love.
What gives you a buzz? What fills you with excitement and possibility? You can take steps in the direction of your greatest dreams knowing that you are passing on great riches to your children, grandchildren and all who come after you.