How Men Can Look Younger Without Surgery - Tips For Looking Good
Perhaps they are attracted to younger women, maybe a little insecure or it could just be that they like to look good.
Most beauty tips these days are aimed at the female of the species but I know a lot of my male friends invest as much, if not more time and money in their appearance as I do.
It's quite amusing to have a flatmate that takes longer to get ready to go out than I do! I have a few thoughts on some real basic things that can be done to spruce up your image.
Get a decent haircut and keep on top of it! This can take years off in one foul swoop Use a moisturiser every day and each night before sleeping.
Your skin rests and recovers while your sleep so the evening dose is important.
Dental hygiene! Nothing worse than yellow teeth and smelly breath, it just makes you look unkempt and is a huge turnoff.
Buy clothes that you are comfortable in but make sure they are age appropriate.
Think mutton dressed as lamb, a term usually directed at women but suited to men too.
Perform facial exercises, this can sculpt your face and take years off you in a few weeks.
This one is my favourite as you can maintain it for life.
If you're spending hours each week in the gym, what is a few minutes each day to create a chiseled face?