How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back If She Has Just Finished With You
I was devastated when my ex girlfriend dumped me, I cried like a baby for days.
I lost my so called friends because i bored them by talking about my ex all the time.
The thing I learned though is that if you follow a plan then you will get your ex girlfriend back.
Some things not to do are constantly text and phone her or any kind of pestering come to that, this will drive her even further away from you.
Another big no is listening to music that reminds you of her, all this will do is upset you.
An even bigger no is getting drunk and thinking you can go and sort things out, this will always end in tears.
Instead do things like buy some new clothes and get out not out to meet a new girl but just to show your ex girlfriend that you are not a sad loser who spends his life thinking about her.
Or make a point of passing her in the street and instead of stopping to talk to her just casually say hi.
Things like this are a great way of getting an ex girlfriend back because she will be thinking you have moved on and maybe looking for someone new.
Then that powerful emotion called jealousy will come into play and she will almost beg you to take her back.