How to Remove a Honeybee Nest
- 1). Wear protective clothing to avoid bee stings while removing the nest, including long sleeves, pants and a beekeeper's veil.
- 2). Exterminate the bees at dusk or dawn, when all of the bees have returned to the nest.
- 3). Stand at a safe distance from the nest and apply a bee pesticide to the nest entrance, following the canister's instructions.
- 4). Observe the nest for activity over the next day to determine if the bees have been exterminated.
- 5). Repeat spraying the nest at three-day intervals if any activity is observed.
- 6). Remove the physical honeybee nest when all the bees are dead, especially when it is inside a wall cavity.
- 1). Cover the nest with a sturdy plastic bag at night, when bee activity is low.
- 2). Seal the bag closed so no bees can escape.
- 3). Cut the nest from the tree.
- 4). Freeze the plastic bag containing the nest for at least 24 hours to kill the bees.
- 5). Dispose of the honeybee nest.