How to Find What Your Land Was Zoned In
- 1). Enter information about your property on your city's website to determine what zoning or building codes affect your property. Along with such information as district, block number and lot number, a tax ID and/or property identification number will normally be listed with the zoning type. Also included with the zoning type is an explanation of what regulations are enforced in regards to that zone in that particular municipality.
- 2). Call your local city zoning office to gather information if the local website does not provide it. Typically over the phone you will not be able to directly request the information, so be prepared to make an appointment to visit the zoning office and look it up yourself. If you are able to obtain zoning information by phone, you will generally be required to provide the property identification number or block and lot number.
- 3). Visit the zoning office in your municipality and view zoning maps to determine how your property is zoned. If you have to search through the maps, it may take some time, so ask beforehand what you may have to do to obtain the information and schedule the zoning maps or records.