Diabetic Patients - Five Healthiest Foods For You
They can give a shot to try the old way of treatments such as losing weight, doing regular exercise, plan your diet, and taking pills.
Although these called 'old style' but it is still relevant and can be correlated to the new approach of diabetes treatment.
Nowadays, the thinking is slowly changed on this issue.
The prominence is more on balanced eating with the right percentage intake of carbohydrates, protein and fiber in daily meals.
Here, five healthiest foods for diabetes patients, which is emphasis to be considered for, better prevention or curing the diabetes.
Chili pepper - Australian researchers proved that if the meal contains chili pepper, the amount of insulin required lowering the blood sugar after eating reduced significantly.
It could help to reduce your risk of hyperinsulinemia (high blood levels of insulin)-a disorder associated with type 2 diabetes.
Legumes - it packed with right combination of fiber, protein and nutrients, which have the reflective effect on blood sugar regulation.
The variety of legumes sources such as red beans, chickpeas, green peas, pinto beans, white beans, soybeans and French lentils formulate it to be the best nutritional treatments available for type 2 diabetes.
Grapefruit - excellent sources of Vitamin C, a vitamin that beneficial to support immune systems and to promote cardiovascular health.
More importantly, as published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, it contains pectin that can reduce blood levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and reduces triglycerides as well.
Cinnamon - significantly proved to help people with type 2 diabetes by improving their capability to respond to insulin, thus stabilizing their blood sugar levels.
A research showed by adding 6 grams of cinnamon to the 300 grams of rice pudding drastically lessened the rise of blood sugar levels after eating.
Whole grains - a great source of fiber especially insoluble fiber.
Oats and barley (high insoluble fiber) or combination of them is very helpful for diabetic patients.
Now, a research suggesting that whole grains have the ability to increase insulin sensitivity thus reduces risk of type 2 diabetes.
In conclusion, the diabetic patients have several alternative ways that may significantly reduce the blood sugar levels.
Importantly, the changes have to be done slowly while monitoring blood sugar level and continuing to see a doctor.