Making Sense Of The Situation
We are living in a time of tumultuous change, of vast possibility for the human race.
A time which has been foreseen for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
At least one secret society laid down a coded blueprint for this time during the Renaissance, prophecies from the Christian Bible, the Mayans and many other indigenous cultures have foreseen the coming together of many different strands at this moment in time.
What has been open to interpretation, superstition and manipulation is what it all means.
The Mayan calendar ends in December 2012 - does this mean the end of the earth, as many pundits (who seem to have a fear-based agenda) predict? Or are we all going to ascend to the 5th dimension (whatever that means) as others are saying? Or 'rescued' by aliens and taken to some nirvana in the sky? Or see the coming of the second Christ? Colourful as all of these are they are not an accurate reflection of what is happening, although, like everything, there is enough of a grain of truth in it for various parties to find some resonance with it.
So what is happening? Well, you need to be aware of many different bits of seemingly disparate information to make sense of this.
Let start with quantum physics - a basic understanding of this is essential to make sense of much of the new information coming through.
According to Quantum Physics when you take everything in the universe down to the smallest possible particle everything is energy - be a wave or a string, it is vibrating energy.
A vast net, or web, of energy - sometimes called The Field, or the Zero Point Field, connects us to the furthest most reaches of this Universe.
This is amazing in itself, and immediately brings to mind the Ancient teachings that All is One.
Next, let's look at what is happening to our galaxy.
Most of us have grown up learning that we are part of the Milky Way galaxy, but this is not strictly true.
In fact our solar system originated within something called the Dwarf Sagittarius Galaxy, a much smaller galaxy than the Milky Way, and many aeons ago it collided with the Milky Way galaxy.
The impact has been going on for millennia, with the larger galaxy engulfing the smaller and bit by bit absorbing it in to itself.
The Dwarf Sagittarius Galaxy has been slowly being pulled apart to the point of collapse.
And it is at this precise moment in time that astronomers are saying this final collapse and absorption is taking place.
Since man has been on this earth, the energy of our galaxy has been that of destruction.
Suddenly, that is about to be over and we are to be a fully integrated part of something much bigger and more powerful.
Then let's look at the alignment of our solar system to the centre of the huge galaxy we are suddenly a centre of the solar system, the area where gravity is greatest, and many say is the source of all gravity.
Indeed scientists are observing great 'globules' of energy pulsating out from the centre and penetrating our solar system.
Then there is the photon belt, described in various ways, but a cloud or belt where photon activity and energy is intense.
It is reported that every 10,000 years or so earth moves into this area and is subjected to intense photon activity.
It is also described as earth moving from a dark part of the universe to one of intense light - our cells apparently have the ability to convert photon energy to light energy.
According to some sources: 'Psychological characteristics of entering the belt are the effect of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld material, bringing it to the surface for transmutation.
This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be forced to the surface, that is, the conscious mind.
This will give tremendous opportunity to make advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause illness, depressions, disease and death.
' Recognise any of this??? Then we come to the vibrational rate of the planet.
Scientists have long recognized that the earth has a vibrational rate in the region of 7.
56 Hz - or rather had! It has been changing in rather spectacular fashion recently.
Latest reports put it in the region of 13 KHz - a massive increase.
And guess what - humankind's overall vibrational rate matched that of the earth on which we live, which makes sense as we need to live harmoniously on this planet.
Our own vibrational rate has been changing - more slowly it has to be said, but we have caught up with the planet in the last few months of 2010.
Put all of this together and what you do you have? Ancient prophecies which predict an 'end- time' at this moment in history.
A shift in energy patterns and changes at a galactic level, exposure at cellular level to more light energy, a change in our vibrational rate.
Let's look a little closer at some of the prophecies - they don't only talk of an 'end- time' (interpreted by many to mean destruction, but could as easily mean the end of an era - therefore the beginning of something new), but also of the potential for a New Golden Age.
Those who makes studies of these things, know that something is happening - homo sapiens (modern man) is becoming homo noveticus - a being who has not just the five senses of modern man, but extra psychic senses - our senses will penetrate more than one dimension.
So, this New Golden Age is a chance for mankind to make a huge evolutionary shift - for the better.
Now let's look briefly at the Higher Self.
Also called soul or spirit, apparently at one time, in the days of Atlantis we were a fully integrated human being - our higher and lower self resided within us, and it was truly a time of great wisdom and man had amazing gifts and talents.
Then something happened and it all started to go wrong - this is the original fall of man (maybe this is when Earth last moved out of the photon belt, back into the 'dark' part of the galaxy.
The gifts, the great wisdom and talents were lost, the memory kept alive by the few in wisdom teachings which have come down to us over the years through the Ancient Wisdom traditions preserved by many often secret and underground societies.
During the Christian era in particular, possession of this knowledge often meant death if you were found out.
The higher self is the better part of us, our intuition, our guidance, that which has the broader, wider view of the meaning and purpose of our lives and has understanding that the lower self or ego, fails to perceive because of its base motivations.
To fully integrate this back within us requires a higher vibrational rate than has existed - but as we have seen, all that is changing.
We stand at an extraordinary moment in time where a variety of different things are all contributing a change of energy, alignment, vibration, consciousness, call it what you will, to not just our planet, but to us.
So that's the 'facts' as they can currently be put together.
But what does this mean for you and me? Well, as our vibrational rate is changing - and it is - denser energies contained within our energy field will become more and more uncomfortable.
These denser energies encompass negative and harmful thoughts, emotions, behavior patterns - all those grudges you haven't let go, the anger you still feel towards the injustice of many years ago, old lovers, broken friendships, past shames and humiliations, the many unkindness' we do both to ourselves and to others.
Anything that hasn't been dealt with, that still has a resonance in our energy field, is still taking up space at the lower vibration that pertains to these things, will sit uncomfortably with us.
Indeed, the finer vibration will be shaking these things up - perceived by us as being re-visited by old issues.
This is an opportunity being given to us to once and for all clear all of this stuff, which has an energy, out of our auric field.
Why? Because the more of this clutter we clear out, the more space we make for our higher self to re-integrate within us, and the more this happens the closer we come both individually and collectively to really achieving this evolutionary step that is entirely possible for us as a species.
So, don't hold on to past griefs, angers and hurts.
Remember the Karmic law of do unto others as you would be done to - in an energetic universe it really does work this way.
Intent is everything - where intention goes energy flows.
And it needs to be a higher vibrational energy to sustain the coming shift with any degree of comfort.
A time which has been foreseen for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
At least one secret society laid down a coded blueprint for this time during the Renaissance, prophecies from the Christian Bible, the Mayans and many other indigenous cultures have foreseen the coming together of many different strands at this moment in time.
What has been open to interpretation, superstition and manipulation is what it all means.
The Mayan calendar ends in December 2012 - does this mean the end of the earth, as many pundits (who seem to have a fear-based agenda) predict? Or are we all going to ascend to the 5th dimension (whatever that means) as others are saying? Or 'rescued' by aliens and taken to some nirvana in the sky? Or see the coming of the second Christ? Colourful as all of these are they are not an accurate reflection of what is happening, although, like everything, there is enough of a grain of truth in it for various parties to find some resonance with it.
So what is happening? Well, you need to be aware of many different bits of seemingly disparate information to make sense of this.
Let start with quantum physics - a basic understanding of this is essential to make sense of much of the new information coming through.
According to Quantum Physics when you take everything in the universe down to the smallest possible particle everything is energy - be a wave or a string, it is vibrating energy.
A vast net, or web, of energy - sometimes called The Field, or the Zero Point Field, connects us to the furthest most reaches of this Universe.
This is amazing in itself, and immediately brings to mind the Ancient teachings that All is One.
Next, let's look at what is happening to our galaxy.
Most of us have grown up learning that we are part of the Milky Way galaxy, but this is not strictly true.
In fact our solar system originated within something called the Dwarf Sagittarius Galaxy, a much smaller galaxy than the Milky Way, and many aeons ago it collided with the Milky Way galaxy.
The impact has been going on for millennia, with the larger galaxy engulfing the smaller and bit by bit absorbing it in to itself.
The Dwarf Sagittarius Galaxy has been slowly being pulled apart to the point of collapse.
And it is at this precise moment in time that astronomers are saying this final collapse and absorption is taking place.
Since man has been on this earth, the energy of our galaxy has been that of destruction.
Suddenly, that is about to be over and we are to be a fully integrated part of something much bigger and more powerful.
Then let's look at the alignment of our solar system to the centre of the huge galaxy we are suddenly a centre of the solar system, the area where gravity is greatest, and many say is the source of all gravity.
Indeed scientists are observing great 'globules' of energy pulsating out from the centre and penetrating our solar system.
Then there is the photon belt, described in various ways, but a cloud or belt where photon activity and energy is intense.
It is reported that every 10,000 years or so earth moves into this area and is subjected to intense photon activity.
It is also described as earth moving from a dark part of the universe to one of intense light - our cells apparently have the ability to convert photon energy to light energy.
According to some sources: 'Psychological characteristics of entering the belt are the effect of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld material, bringing it to the surface for transmutation.
This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be forced to the surface, that is, the conscious mind.
This will give tremendous opportunity to make advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause illness, depressions, disease and death.
' Recognise any of this??? Then we come to the vibrational rate of the planet.
Scientists have long recognized that the earth has a vibrational rate in the region of 7.
56 Hz - or rather had! It has been changing in rather spectacular fashion recently.
Latest reports put it in the region of 13 KHz - a massive increase.
And guess what - humankind's overall vibrational rate matched that of the earth on which we live, which makes sense as we need to live harmoniously on this planet.
Our own vibrational rate has been changing - more slowly it has to be said, but we have caught up with the planet in the last few months of 2010.
Put all of this together and what you do you have? Ancient prophecies which predict an 'end- time' at this moment in history.
A shift in energy patterns and changes at a galactic level, exposure at cellular level to more light energy, a change in our vibrational rate.
Let's look a little closer at some of the prophecies - they don't only talk of an 'end- time' (interpreted by many to mean destruction, but could as easily mean the end of an era - therefore the beginning of something new), but also of the potential for a New Golden Age.
Those who makes studies of these things, know that something is happening - homo sapiens (modern man) is becoming homo noveticus - a being who has not just the five senses of modern man, but extra psychic senses - our senses will penetrate more than one dimension.
So, this New Golden Age is a chance for mankind to make a huge evolutionary shift - for the better.
Now let's look briefly at the Higher Self.
Also called soul or spirit, apparently at one time, in the days of Atlantis we were a fully integrated human being - our higher and lower self resided within us, and it was truly a time of great wisdom and man had amazing gifts and talents.
Then something happened and it all started to go wrong - this is the original fall of man (maybe this is when Earth last moved out of the photon belt, back into the 'dark' part of the galaxy.
The gifts, the great wisdom and talents were lost, the memory kept alive by the few in wisdom teachings which have come down to us over the years through the Ancient Wisdom traditions preserved by many often secret and underground societies.
During the Christian era in particular, possession of this knowledge often meant death if you were found out.
The higher self is the better part of us, our intuition, our guidance, that which has the broader, wider view of the meaning and purpose of our lives and has understanding that the lower self or ego, fails to perceive because of its base motivations.
To fully integrate this back within us requires a higher vibrational rate than has existed - but as we have seen, all that is changing.
We stand at an extraordinary moment in time where a variety of different things are all contributing a change of energy, alignment, vibration, consciousness, call it what you will, to not just our planet, but to us.
So that's the 'facts' as they can currently be put together.
But what does this mean for you and me? Well, as our vibrational rate is changing - and it is - denser energies contained within our energy field will become more and more uncomfortable.
These denser energies encompass negative and harmful thoughts, emotions, behavior patterns - all those grudges you haven't let go, the anger you still feel towards the injustice of many years ago, old lovers, broken friendships, past shames and humiliations, the many unkindness' we do both to ourselves and to others.
Anything that hasn't been dealt with, that still has a resonance in our energy field, is still taking up space at the lower vibration that pertains to these things, will sit uncomfortably with us.
Indeed, the finer vibration will be shaking these things up - perceived by us as being re-visited by old issues.
This is an opportunity being given to us to once and for all clear all of this stuff, which has an energy, out of our auric field.
Why? Because the more of this clutter we clear out, the more space we make for our higher self to re-integrate within us, and the more this happens the closer we come both individually and collectively to really achieving this evolutionary step that is entirely possible for us as a species.
So, don't hold on to past griefs, angers and hurts.
Remember the Karmic law of do unto others as you would be done to - in an energetic universe it really does work this way.
Intent is everything - where intention goes energy flows.
And it needs to be a higher vibrational energy to sustain the coming shift with any degree of comfort.