All the Ways to Quit Smoking
- Nicotine-replacement therapy has become an effective method for many smokers because it gradually reduces the nicotine cravings and the withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine can either be absorbed into the body by a patch worn on the skin or by chewing nicotine gum instead of smoking cigarettes. The amount of nicotine administered by the patch or gum is gradually decreased to slowly wean the body from its nicotine addiction. These methods has proven to be safe and effective.
- Some antidepressants have shown to reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms in those trying to quit smoking. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved use of prescription medications such as bupropion and clonidine for smoking cessation. Antidepressants have a side benefit in that they control the feelings of anxiety and depression that some smokers feel when they are trying to quit. These medications are only available with a prescription and must be monitored by your physician.
- For those looking for an alternative method to prescription medications and patches, acupuncture may be the way to go. Acupuncture focuses on specific pressure points in the body that help to alleviate cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms. Acupuncture treatments are usually done a few times a week until the cravings have subsided. Acupuncturists will usually also prescribe a regiment or herbs and vitamins that will work with the acupuncture treatment to help curb the desire to smoke.
- This therapy relies on changing current attitudes and behaviors as they relate to smoking. The main goal for the smoker is to learn to identify and be able to remove themselves from high risk situations that make them want to smoke. They also learn to substitute healthier habits in place of the negative habits. Smokers meet with a trained therapist either through individual or group sessions. Participants are encouraged to keep a smoking diary to help pinpoint those situations that reinforce the desire to smoke.
- Most smokers trying to quit will use the cold turkey method at least once. The principle is simple, and there is no added expense like some of the other methods. You simply stop smoking completely. This method is hard to do, especially for long-time smokers because there is no gradual removal of the nicotine from the body and symptoms of withdrawal start quickly. The cold-turkey method relies solely on the smoker's motivation and willpower.