Handling Persistent Yeast Infections Pregnancy Symptoms
Some pregnant women have to put up with this yeast infection in pregnancy for a duration of as long as nine months or even more when they get to breastfeeding too.This is so because of the milk pouring out of their nipples when they are just about anywhere particularly in a place where they can not even take a bath hence creating a conducive atmosphere that is warm and moist for the fungus Candida to thrive in.
Also due to the same hormonal disturbances, these women might sweat more than when they aren't pregnant, especially in areas where the skins is folded like the armpits, vaginal area, below the breast and in between their toes. As such they could end up not even showering because they might be busy with their careers or house chores and family to get time for themselves.However when a woman notices some of these changes in her vaginal areas she should be wise enough to seek doctor advice before the infection get worse.
Nevertheless,the same woman must ensure that she carries out home based remedies to enable her prevent this yeast infection pregnancy symptoms.She should avoid pantyhose and tight pants such as jeans which trap moisture near the perineum. After exercise or any sweat producing activity, bathing or swimming, make sure the perineum is air dried.
Moist surfaces that rub against each other break down and provide an area for yeast secondary growth. She should also wear loose, cotton underwear that absorbs body moisture to avoid leaving moisture when she sweats.It is important also to wipe from front to back when she urinates or have a bowel movement. Bowel bacteria and yeast can cause vulva skin breakdown and vaginal infection.
She should also use tampons instead of sanitary pads when she gives birth to her baby. The chemicals in many pads can cause perineal skin irritation. Natural cotton pads that you launder in hypo- allergenic detergent are alright to use.
Such pregnant women must avoid shaving the vulva area. The pubic hair protects against chemicals making contact with the skin and she must avoid all chemicals in the Vulva-vaginal area. She must also follow a low carbohydrate diet with almost no simple carbohydrates, only a small amount of complex carbohydrates or simply eat a well balanced diet for her own health and that of the baby. A pregnant woman must always maintain close ties with her doctor so that she can receive proper direction and medication.