Relationship Anger Is Not Cool - Return to Love
Anger management involves remaining "cool" under emotionally stressful situations.
To prevent the rage from growing intense, you need to recognize the triggers that set you off when they first begin, way before your thinking mind has given way to your more primitive reptilian brain.
Learning how and then actually practicing anger management in the heat of a triggered emotional pattern requires premeditated courage.
Did you know that the first four letters, "cour" mean "heart.
" Courage requires you to tap into the energy of your heart, not your mind, not your power but your heart.
And the true expression of your heart is always love.
When you connect with the love that you have in your heart and when you recognize the love that is all around you, your anger will easily dissipate and dissolve.
The question is, has your anger created enough destruction, hurt and pain in your life that you are willing to do whatever it takes to gain control over it? Tuning into the love in your heart begins by realizing that you need to love yourself.
Sounds simple but for so many of us this is the most difficult type of love there is.
Many of us have been programmed to doubt our own capabilities, to believe that we are either unworthy or less worthy than others.
Your anger demonstrates your passion but often in a distorted way.
Discover and nurture your passion, whatever fills you with energy and excitement and desire.
Use that passion to create what you truly want in your life.
If you feel your anger has been out of your control, then don't ignore it but actually face it head on.
Read all your can about anger, what it is, how it gets triggered, what causes it to escalate into rage and what steps you can take to soothe and calm your own spirit.
Take an anger management course.
Join an anger management group.
Seek private counseling to unravel your own unmet needs and misunderstood lack of assertiveness.
Study about love.
Discover how you can focus on the love that is already there and gradually let the habit of anger be replaced by the habit of compassion, the major quality that accompanies love.
Have compassion for yourself, compassion for others, let the love flow - even when it seems impossible to do so - and watch the anger fade away in your life.