Get Back Your Ex Girlfriend - Break Up Advice
I know, you are thinking "so what" right now, but look at it from another point of view.
What has changed so drastically that she decided to end the relationship, and don't say nothing, something must have happened or you would still be together.
"It's all her fault" won't bring her back.
If she has had an affair and then dumped you, the best thing you can do is walk away.
If you take her back after she has cheated on you, you have no guarantees that she won't do the same thing again.
The next time she cheats you are going to feel even worse than you do now, because you trusted her not to do it again.
If the break up happened for reasons which you still don't understand then it's time to go back to the beginning.
What attracted you both to each other? At some point during your relationship this has probably cropped up.
Once you figure out the answer to that question you need to ask yourself "how have we changed?" this part can take a little longer.
But this will help you to get your ex girlfriend back.
Everyone changes over time; it's just a matter of how much change there has been.
As an example: If you used to go out every weekend but now you can't afford to or work commitments take priority over your personal life, these are issues which need to be addressed.
I'm not saying that you should throw in your job and go out drinking every night; you can still make compromises no matter how hectic your lifestyle is.
If you have a friend who can be very discreet and keep a confidence, now is the time to have a chat with them.
A friend like this can be a great sounding board, they know you well enough to be completely honest and you know them well enough that you won't fly off the handle whenever they say something which you didn't want to hear.
Once you have sounded off to your friend (confident), you have probably heard enough to actually take the first steps towards reconciliation.
Things will not happen over night so don't even try to force them.
You will only drive tour ex girlfriend further away if you try to hard during these early stages.
If you can want your ex girlfriend back and you are willing to work for it then you need to act fast, be a man and take control.
Too many people give up on a relationship because they think it's over, many times it is far from over.