Sometimes There IS A Pleasant Surprise
(This is an extract from our newsletter - if you would
like to find out more check out the resource box)
I'm on my way out to run a few errands for the day, but
wanted to leave you a note to get you going off an a
positive today.
I've received more than 249 registrant applications for
our free teleseminar on free traffic generation for
your network marketing business.
I decided to conduct this event, which will most likely
occur early next week because I was literally ashamed
to see some of the products being launched over the
past couple of weeks.
Most are nothing but hot air that cost you and me
money, so I wanted to turn the tide by offering a free
teleconference to help 100 lucky people learn what
works, how it works, and how to do it in a simple
manner without all the hype, smoke and mirrors, and
Not to sell something, but really and truly to point a
few ambitious people in the right direction.
I was expecting nothing in return, but abundance comes
when you least expect it!
I woke up this morning to see that my business had not
grown by the average 15 people a day, but by 45 people
in the last 24 hours.
Not because of me, but because of the great team I work
But to make the day even better I stumbled across a
product I had never seen before and decided to once
again take the plunge not knowing if I was going to be
met with thin air after money was exchanged.
To my surprise, the product was one of the best I've
bought in a long long time. It was fresh and innovative
and had new ideas I never would have fathomed had I not
decided to take the chance on purchasing.
Now, I'm not here to recommend that product as it's not
something I've tested as of yet, but once I do I'll let
you know about it.
Rather, I just wanted to share the idea that when you
give freely with no selfish intent, the world around
you finds a way to pay you back.
So as they say "Pay it forward"
Give a little and you never know what you might get.
like to find out more check out the resource box)
I'm on my way out to run a few errands for the day, but
wanted to leave you a note to get you going off an a
positive today.
I've received more than 249 registrant applications for
our free teleseminar on free traffic generation for
your network marketing business.
I decided to conduct this event, which will most likely
occur early next week because I was literally ashamed
to see some of the products being launched over the
past couple of weeks.
Most are nothing but hot air that cost you and me
money, so I wanted to turn the tide by offering a free
teleconference to help 100 lucky people learn what
works, how it works, and how to do it in a simple
manner without all the hype, smoke and mirrors, and
Not to sell something, but really and truly to point a
few ambitious people in the right direction.
I was expecting nothing in return, but abundance comes
when you least expect it!
I woke up this morning to see that my business had not
grown by the average 15 people a day, but by 45 people
in the last 24 hours.
Not because of me, but because of the great team I work
But to make the day even better I stumbled across a
product I had never seen before and decided to once
again take the plunge not knowing if I was going to be
met with thin air after money was exchanged.
To my surprise, the product was one of the best I've
bought in a long long time. It was fresh and innovative
and had new ideas I never would have fathomed had I not
decided to take the chance on purchasing.
Now, I'm not here to recommend that product as it's not
something I've tested as of yet, but once I do I'll let
you know about it.
Rather, I just wanted to share the idea that when you
give freely with no selfish intent, the world around
you finds a way to pay you back.
So as they say "Pay it forward"
Give a little and you never know what you might get.