How Does the Jenny Craig Diet Work?
The Jenny Craig Diet program has been around since the 1980's, with over 600 locations worldwide, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
The Jenny Craig Diet program is world renown, and is considered to be more effective and safe then popping diet pills.
The basic program structure has not changed since it came out.
This article, How Does the Jenny Craig Diet Work, will help set you in the right direction, if you are thinking of taking this program.
The Diet Plan When you sign up for Jenny Craig, you will be filling out a quiz on your eating habits, daily activity, and your goals when it comes to weight loss.
A trained counselor will then meet with you and will use the information provided on the quiz to customize an effective diet plan to meet your individual needs.
The plan includes a daily target of calories to consume and activities that you will need to carry out.
You weight, height, and other measurements will then be taken from you.
The Food What makes the Jenny Craig Diet so effective is the customized, prepackaged food.
Your diet counselor will help you to choose from the variety of food products, everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to snacks.
These products make it convenient for you to lose weight, while keeping focus on the other aspects of the diet.
Your food will likely be delivered by FedEx or UPS.
Physical Activity Your counselor will help you to come up with an exercise plan that's suited to your level of physical fitness.
The plan will also include any physical activity you do right now, such as dancing, gardening, or mopping the floors.
The combination of activities will help you get into good shape and help you drop those pounds.
Individual Support Your counselor will not only help you plan your diet routine, but will map out a complete weight loss plan for you, serving as your "weight loss buddy".
Not only that, you will have the support of likeminded individuals like yourself who are also going through a similar weight loss plan.
Your counselor will help you with advice, offer supper, and provide you with, motivation.
Most counselors actually went through the same weight loss program and so are perfect role models to help you achieve results.
Though the Jenny Craig Diet will help you lose weight, in order to keep the weight off, you must make the changes in your lifestyle.
Without the permanent changes, you will revert back to your old ways, and whatever progress you have achieved up to now, will be lost.
I hope this article, How Does the Jenny Craig Diet Work, has helped you understand the program better, and enough to make an informed decision on whether it suits your needs.
The Jenny Craig Diet program is world renown, and is considered to be more effective and safe then popping diet pills.
The basic program structure has not changed since it came out.
This article, How Does the Jenny Craig Diet Work, will help set you in the right direction, if you are thinking of taking this program.
The Diet Plan When you sign up for Jenny Craig, you will be filling out a quiz on your eating habits, daily activity, and your goals when it comes to weight loss.
A trained counselor will then meet with you and will use the information provided on the quiz to customize an effective diet plan to meet your individual needs.
The plan includes a daily target of calories to consume and activities that you will need to carry out.
You weight, height, and other measurements will then be taken from you.
The Food What makes the Jenny Craig Diet so effective is the customized, prepackaged food.
Your diet counselor will help you to choose from the variety of food products, everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to snacks.
These products make it convenient for you to lose weight, while keeping focus on the other aspects of the diet.
Your food will likely be delivered by FedEx or UPS.
Physical Activity Your counselor will help you to come up with an exercise plan that's suited to your level of physical fitness.
The plan will also include any physical activity you do right now, such as dancing, gardening, or mopping the floors.
The combination of activities will help you get into good shape and help you drop those pounds.
Individual Support Your counselor will not only help you plan your diet routine, but will map out a complete weight loss plan for you, serving as your "weight loss buddy".
Not only that, you will have the support of likeminded individuals like yourself who are also going through a similar weight loss plan.
Your counselor will help you with advice, offer supper, and provide you with, motivation.
Most counselors actually went through the same weight loss program and so are perfect role models to help you achieve results.
Though the Jenny Craig Diet will help you lose weight, in order to keep the weight off, you must make the changes in your lifestyle.
Without the permanent changes, you will revert back to your old ways, and whatever progress you have achieved up to now, will be lost.
I hope this article, How Does the Jenny Craig Diet Work, has helped you understand the program better, and enough to make an informed decision on whether it suits your needs.