Easily Generate Membership Content
Fortunately, there are ways around that when you know what type of content to create.
My three favorite kinds of content are to make an overview audio, how-to video, and re-purposing of other content.
What the heck is an overview audio? Well first of all, to explain that, let me explain the how-to video.
How-to video is where you tell something, you lay something out to somebody step by step, preferably in about four steps.
If it's anything from how to set up a WordPress blog, to how to build a bird house, how to lose weight, how to stay organized, take some kind of tasks like that, break it down into four different chunks and show each chunk in video.
If that's a live action video or a screen-capture video, it's up to you, but show them exactly how to deal with something step by step.
That is the meat of whatever kind of membership site you have, but what helps a different type of person is the overview audio.
Before you even get to that step-by-step video, create an audio explaining the four things and why they are important.
Show them or tell them the big picture and that way, when they go into the how-to steps, they understand where it's headed and why, for example, step number two is important in this four-step process that you're explaining.
For example, if your how-to video showed somebody how to set up a WordPress blog, your audio might explain to them why setting up a WordPress blog is so important.
Explain concepts such as themes, plugins, blog posts, usernames and passwords.
That way, you can be sure that wherever your user starting point is, if they're a total newbie or an intermediate user, everybody will get caught up by the time they watch your how-to videos.
And then there is no rule that says you have to put audios before videos.
You can also have audios after the videos, kind of summarizing what they learned and what the next step is going to be.
For example, if your videos showed somebody how to set up a blog, then audio, so the next step is up to you to write an entire blog post.
And that brings me to the final way to generate membership content and that is re-purposing other people's stuff.
There's all kinds of stuff like Private Label Rights out there, where somebody might have already recorded some kind of an advanced video about WordPress, for example, how to install a plugin, and sold rights to that, you can buy the rights and put that right there on your membership site.
If somebody teaches something that's really cool but they don't offer rights, simply learn it yourself and drip it to your subscribers.
Those are my three favorite ways of generating a membership site content.
Create an overview audio that explains the big picture, a how-to video that shows the step by step, and then re-purpose the advanced subjects to give them additional training.