How to Use Potash on Grapevines
- 1). Add 1 tbsp. of potassium chloride mixture 0-0-60 to the soil for each plant before planting the grapevines.
- 2). Reapply potash annually to provide grapes with the potassium required for fruit production. Add 100 lbs. per acre to the soil each spring. Apply it in a 2 foot wide band around the base of the vines, along their trellis.
- 3). Broadcast 1 oz. or about 2 tbsp. of urea around the vine during the first growing season. Apply it in an 18-inch circle around the vine base two to three weeks after it is planted. Repeat this process each spring. If vines grow excessively, nitrogen levels in the soil may be too high, in this case, reduce the amount of urea applied in the following year.
- 4). Spread manure around each plant starting where the urea ends, and 4 feet out from this point. Adding this organic matter will make the potash application more effective by improving soil health.
- 5). Spray plants with a potash-based liquid solution if signs of potassium deficiency appears. A plant with potassium deficiency will have dull green leaves, which may begin to turn bronze in late summer. Add 6 to 10 lbs. of potash with 50-percent K2O to 100 gallons of water, and apply it at a rate of 200 to 300 hundred gallons per acre.