Art Projects on Birds of the Rain Forest for Preschoolers
- Children can create their own birds of the rain forest masks out of card stock and feathers. Start by giving each child a piece of card stock with eye holes cut out. Let children use books with pictures of rain forest birds as inspiration for what colors of feathers to glue to their own masks. When the masks have all dried, invite children to put them on and make their best bird noises.
- Rain forest birds are known for their variety of bright colors, so one art project invites children to invent their own color combination for a rain forest bird. Peel the paper off crayons, break them into pieces, and have children arrange crayon pieces inside the outline of a bird drawn on a piece of wax paper taped to cardboard for stability. Microwave the arrangement to melt the crayon pieces together. For safety reasons, do not let the children touch their birds until they have completely cooled.
- Because preschoolers are at the age where they still grow quite quickly, crafts using cutouts of their hands and feet can provide keepsakes for the family. Use hands and feet to make a rain forest bird picture. Start by tracing the child's foot on a piece of paper of one color for the bird's body. Trace the child's hands onto a piece of paper of a different, bright color for the bird's wings. Have the child cut out the shapes, glue the wings to the body, and decorate with crayons.
- Coloring is an ideal quick, clean and low-prep activity for preschoolers. Print out black-and-white line drawings of rain forest birds or purchase a rain forest bird coloring book. Give the children the birds and let them use their imaginations to color them with exotic colors or patterns. Advanced preschoolers might even be able to make a color-by-number toucan by following a key to fill each segment in with the correct color.