Get Your Ex Back - Don"t Let Ego Get Between Love
Now you have regretting what you have done and are missing your ex.
This happens a lot of times, when both partners who are deeply in love with each other suddenly breakup due to a whim.
The problem starts when they don't want to be the first one to make the move because they don't want to admit their mistake.
In short this is a very egoistic thing and is the number one destroyer of relationships.
They just keep waiting for their partner to come back to them.
They want their partner to tell them how they need them and how much they mean to them.
And you know what, in the end, both of them get separated and keep missing each other their whole lives.
I am sure you wont like this to happen to you.
Keep waiting and you will soon find your partner in the arms of another lover.
EEks! Terrible! Don't let your ego get between love.
Listen to your heart and not the mind which just wants to make life a living hell for you.
The time to act is now.
If you keep waiting, you will have a long wait and will miss the love of your life.
You can be sure that you will keep missing them and will regret your decision.
Love is not something to be thrown away due to ego.
Trust each other and if you make a mistake be ready to admit it.
You really wont believe it how easy it is to get back your ex if you just admit your mistake.