Home Remedies for Fever Blisters
- Make a paste with cornstarch and warm water, place over each fever blister and allow it to sit until dry, and then remove the paste. Repeat twice daily until fever blisters are gone.
- Cover a fever blister with a warm, wet tea bag to reduce inflammation.
- Mix 1 or 2 drops of olive leaf extract with carrier oil, such as olive or almond oil, and then rub onto each fever blister. Olive Leaf extract has natural antibiotic capabilities and can be extremely useful in viral infections.
- Brew lemon balm tea and apply directly to the fever blisters to minimize the breakout.
- Aloe vera gel soothes the irritation and soreness from the fever blister. Gently rub pure aloe vera gel directly onto the fever blisters for best results.
- Use hot or cold compresses to help relieve the pain of fever blisters.
- Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or Motrin can help to reduce the pain and inflammation from a fever blister.