Mercury Levels in Types of Fish
- A shark is known to contain extremely high mercury levels.shark image by Irena Hnidkova from
The Mercury level present in fish poses a direct hazard to small children and expecting mothers. Understanding how much mercury is present in the fish that you eat allows for better management of mercury consumption. By following recommended consumption schedules you can reap the benefits from eating fish, such as omega fatty acids, without exposing yourself to excess mercury. - According to the American Pregnancy Association, mercury levels in fish are classified as "highest, high, lower and lowest." The fish with the highest rating should be avoided, while fish with the lowest rating can be consumed up to twice a week. While the mercury levels in fish do not pose a great danger to adults, the weight of small children and babies leaves them susceptible to impeded brain and nervous system development.
- Fish lowest in mercury such as oysters, tilapia, whitefish and salmon can be consumed twice a week in six ounce serving sizes. It is advisable for pregnant women to eat fish in the lowest mercury category to avoid accidental mercury overconsumption. Fish such as tuna (chunk light or fresh pacific), cod, and carp are in the lower mercury category and should be consumed only six times a month in six ounce servings.
- Some fish contain such a high level of mercury that consumption should be restricted or altogether avoided. In the high mercury category are the lobster, sea trout, and tuna. Tuna contains higher levels of mercury depending on where it was caught, so it's advisable for pregnant women to avoid this fish altogether. High mercury fish should not be eaten more than three times a month in six ounce servings. According to the Environmental Protection Agency,"Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury." These type of fish qualify for the highest mercury level category, and their consumption should be completely avoided.
- The smartest way to go about consuming fish for health benefits while avoiding mercury is to choose fish in the lowest mercury category. These fish can be consumed twice a week in six ounce servings without any negative health effects. If the fish you are eating is locally fished its advisable to check with local advisories on the current mercury levels within the waters. If you can not find information, limit yourself to one six ounce serving of the fish per week.