Coffee Tree
Latin Name: Almost all commercial coffee is made from Coffea arabica - the "Arabian coffee". Coffea canephora is also used to produce the "robust coffee".
Type: Shrub / Tree
Native to:Coffea arabica - Ethiopia. Coffea canephora - Liberia to Congo
Fruit: The red fruits are berries. The 2 seeds inside are roasted to become the familiar coffee "bean".
Size: The coffee tree will grow, on average, to 10-20' tall.
Hardiness: Coffee are commercially grown in Hawaii and Puerto Rico - it is too cold elsewhere in the U.S.
Propagation: Arabica - seeds. Robust - cuttings
Most coffee beans are used for the drink, though some are used as flavorings. Coffee trees produce the second largest commodity product in the world.
Type: Shrub / Tree
Native to:Coffea arabica - Ethiopia. Coffea canephora - Liberia to Congo
Fruit: The red fruits are berries. The 2 seeds inside are roasted to become the familiar coffee "bean".
Size: The coffee tree will grow, on average, to 10-20' tall.
Hardiness: Coffee are commercially grown in Hawaii and Puerto Rico - it is too cold elsewhere in the U.S.
Propagation: Arabica - seeds. Robust - cuttings
Most coffee beans are used for the drink, though some are used as flavorings. Coffee trees produce the second largest commodity product in the world.