Stop Wasting Your Time and Start Enlarging Your Penis - Now
Honestly, I don't think I've seen so many men who were afraid of enlarging themselves.
Many of them seem to be looking for that magic formula that will guarantee amazing growth, at no expense, while they go to sleep at night, in only a few days.
But even then, I got the strongest impression that if such a formula existed, that they still wouldn't try it out.
Sometimes, we have to "bite the bullet" and get on with our lives.
Sitting around and contemplating whether you should do this or if you should do that, just wastes your time and doesn't get you any where.
You wake up one day and realize that, "If I had only done this..
" or "If I had only asked her out...
", that your life would have been more rewarding and bountiful.
But when that time is gone, then that time is gone for good! I met up with a girl I went to high school with years later.
She was then married and I was single.
She admitted that she had a huge crush on me.
I was shocked and told her I had a huge crush on her! But both of us were so afraid of being disappointed or rejected by the other, that we never said anything about it.
Needless to say, I was still crazy about her, but she was now married.
If I had only asked her out...
You get the picture.
I had an opportunity and I blew it.
It's the same situation with growing your male member.
If you are afraid that some program won't work for you, you're likely to get disappointed and discouraged.
This will make some men realize that their dreams of enhancing themselves just won't work for them without surgery.
Then they can get really depressed thinking that they are destined to live their lives with a small penis and never try to enlarge themselves.
First of all, it's the size of the man that matters and not the size of his male member.
That's the truth.
A good woman will love you for you, and not the size of your manhood.
Secondly, there are programs that work that can help men get bigger.
Educate yourself, experiment, read up on what's available.
I promise you that there is something out there that can help you increase your size.
If the first few attempts at increasing growth don't work, then find another technique.
Who knows? If you choose the right method to begin with, you won't have to search for very long.
The point is that if you desire to get bigger, then do it! Don't play Devil's Advocate, don't feel sorry for yourself, and don't be afraid.
Get off of the fence, stop wasting your time, and get on to enjoying a bigger life.
Don't miss this great opportunity that has been given to you.
-- Sterling Togley