About Garden Flowers
- There are more types of garden flowers than a person could count in one sitting. However, they all fall under two categories, perennials and annuals. Perennials are bloom year after year from the same plant. Annuals live only one season and then need to be reseeded to grow and bloom again. In some locations with mild climates, some annuals can be perennials because the weather never becomes harsh enough to kill them. Also, some annuals reseed themselves, scattering new blooms, sometimes in odd places.
- Both perennials and annuals have their benefits. Annuals are a good flower to start your garden with when you are a beginner. They are widely available in nurseries and garden centers and they are easy to grow. The plastic tag in the flower pot will tell you to plant in shade or sun, how tall it will get and how far apart to space the plants. However, if it says to plant 8 to 10 inches apart, for a full and showy garden, plant them 8 inches apart. Annuals should have a full, deep watering two to three times each week. Feed them with a 20-20-20 fertilizer once per week.
Perennials are beneficial in that you don't have to replant or reseed every year. The plant comes back to life and blooms after a period of dormancy. However, perennials can be a bit more difficult to care for. They can be subject to insect infestation and disease and some will need protection during winter months, depending on your location. They may also need staking and/or trimming as they grow. - Earth is divided into three zones: tropical, temperate and polar. Furthermore, there are zone maps that show annual temperatures in particular areas within the three main zones. It is these maps that direct you to the perennial flowers that will do best in your areas. These subzones are numbered. For example, daffodils grow best in zones 3 to 8, which means they would do well in Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis or Wichita, as all these cities fall within the 3 to 8 zone range. They would not do well in Phoenix, Orlando, San Diego or Houston, which all fall outside the specified zone range.
- You can get the best effect from garden flowers with garden design. This is true whether you have a large or small area in which to plant your flowers. With planning, you can make sure of the following:
Flowers are in the right location for sun or shade.
Flowers are planted in succession of height (the shortest, closest and the tallest, on the outside).
Flowers are planted according to a garden structure (create structure with perennials and fill in with annuals).
With a plan on paper, you will know exactly what flower plants to buy and you will come home with the needed amount. - There are several reasons to consider purchasing your flowers online. The first is the superior selection. Many online flower sites are specialty growers, concentrating on a particular species or on just a few. For example, a particular site may specialize in roses, offering you 50 varieties. At a garden center you may only find five or six.
Ordering online allows you to be more exact with your garden plan. You will also be able to order some rare varieties of flowers and create a truly unique flower garden.