Increase Blood Supply to the Penis Naturally For Harder and Thicker Erections Which Last Longer
Not only will these herbs help you get harder erections, they will also boost your libido and overall levels of wellness at the same time.
Let's take a look at the herbs and how they work.
If you want to get an erection, your body must produce a high levels of nitric oxide in the blood vessels which carry blood into the penis - if you don't produce enough nitric oxide, you will never be able to get an erection.
The reason you need it is because - when you become sexually aroused, nitric oxide is realized in the blood vessels, allowing them to dilate and widen so more blood can enter and make the penis hard.
Levels of nitric oxide, decline as men age and it is one of the commonest causes of erectile dysfunction or weal erections, the good news is - The herbs Cnidium, Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng, will all help to increase production of nitric oxide just like man made drugs but with no dangerous side effects.
In addition, both Cnidium and Ginseng, are excellent all round blood circulation herbs which keep the pelvic region well supplied with blood for when nitric oxide production starts.
The herbs Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng, also increase levels of testosterone in the body which is needed for a strong sex drive and sexual stamina.
The above herbs are just some of the best you can take, to increase blood supply to the penis and they will not only help you get harder erections, they will also help you increase your sex drive and your overall levels of wellness at the same time.