How to Change a Chain Link Into a Wood Fence
- 1). Cut the metal ties that attach the chain link to the fence posts and rail with wire cutters.
- 2). Pull the chain link away from the fence, and roll it up for disposal or recycling.
- 3). Cut through the brace bands that attach the fence rails to the terminal, or end, posts with a hacksaw or reciprocating saw with metal-cutting blades. Lift the end of the rail upward and pull it through the loop caps on top of the posts.
- 4). Pull the fence posts out of the ground. Try rocking them back and forth by hand to loosen them, and then pull them out of the ground. If this method does not work --- terminal posts can be especially difficult --- rent a landscaping tractor, such as a Bobcat, to pull the fence posts.
- 1). Mix a batch of concrete, following the instructions on the packaging.
- 2). Pour concrete into the first post hole, filling it about halfway, and then set the first post into the hole. Check the post for level (horizontally straight) and plumb (vertically straight) before you finish filling the hole with concrete.
- 3). Nail a 4-foot-long 2-by-4 board to each side of the fence post, and then nail the other ends of the boards to wooden stakes. Drive the stakes into the ground to brace the post as the concrete sets. Check the post for plumb and level again, and adjust the stakes if necessary.
- 4). Set the other posts using the same method, and allow the posts to set overnight.
- 5). Tie a string tightly to the posts so that it spans the fence line. The string will be your guide to setting the posts straight.
- 6). Set the line posts into the ground, using the same method you used for the end and corner posts. Place the outer edge of the line posts flush against the string so you know the posts are set straight. Allow the concrete to cure for the time specified on the packaging, normally four to five days.
- 7). Remove the bracing and string from the posts.
- 8). Cut 3-inch-long blocks out of 2-by-4 boards, cutting enough to use four blocks on each line and corner post and two blocks on each end post. You will use these blocks to support the fence rails.
- 9). Nail the blocks to the sides of the post. Nail the bottom blocks 1 foot off the ground and the top blocks 1 foot down from the top of the post.
- 10
Measure the distance between the fence posts. Cut lengths of 2-by-4s to fit the distance between them. These are the top and bottom rails of the fence. - 11
Position the 2-by-4s for the bottom rail on top of the bottom blocks, and nail them to the blocks. Repeat this for the top rails. - 12
Install the fence boards by positioning them against the rails or posts and nailing them into place. - 13
Paint or stain the fence, if desired.