Basic Principles For Good Writing
Basic principles for good writing comes down to a relatively small number of things to actually do or carry out when it comes to trying to write well, and this is as applicable for writing a short one-page paper for a class as it is for writing a book or novel.
It's only in the amount of writing that's done is there any real difference.
Most successful writers and authors will tell you that good writing comes down to good work habits, also.
This means treating it as what it really is, which - besides being your "art" - is also your job.
And if writing is your job, then, you should show up for work on time and ready to "go to it.
" Below, I offer several recommendations and observations about the process of writing.
Sometimes (in fact, most times) writing is hard.
There's just no getting around this fact, but don't let the occasional struggle EVERY writer experiences when it comes to producing output deter you from doing it at all.
Remember, in order to produce something that you and others will be pleased to read you must take the first step on the path, and that means sitting down and starting to write.
In order to help yourself when it comes to writing, try to set aside time for research and and putting all those ideas bouncing around in your head down onto paper or into your word processing program.
Many writers report far more productivity after they've made the effort to block out regular time and then adhered to those blocked-out hours.
After you've finally gotten written copy created, it's going to need rewriting, rewriting and possibly even more rewriting.
Go through every line in your output and examine it in a critical and artistic light.
This will allow you to tie together any loose ends and make sure ideas or character action and other items within the output flow smoothly from idea to idea or from scene to scene, for example.
Once you think you've revised your work to the point that you like what you're reading - and think that others will also like reading it - you're going to need to engage in what's called "revision.
" Revision isn't the same as rewriting, though, but it's generally something most writers hate.
Basically, you'll need to edit your work for grammar, punctuation, random typos and anything else that detracts from the story you're trying to tell.
- Editing, in many cases, can be difficult for a writer because he or she has become so involved and familiar with their story they many times fail to catch simple errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.
In many cases, those writers who can afford to do so hire editors to take on this task.
In any event, it makes sense to step back from your work for at least an evening and then look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.
Experienced writers and authors never fail to look at their profession as something that requires them to be in a constant learning mode.
Writers try to absorb data and information as much as they can at every moment they can.
Good ones can look at the simple act of opening a can of soup, for instance, and picture the words in their mind that can bring that act to life for a reader.
In the final analysis, there's no end to the things out there that can provide inspiration to a writer.
The mechanisms involved in writing, though, usually are the same no matter the kind of writing be done, so treat what you do as an art, a craft, and a concrete process and you should soon find success in whatever type it is that you're trying to do.
It's only in the amount of writing that's done is there any real difference.
Most successful writers and authors will tell you that good writing comes down to good work habits, also.
This means treating it as what it really is, which - besides being your "art" - is also your job.
And if writing is your job, then, you should show up for work on time and ready to "go to it.
" Below, I offer several recommendations and observations about the process of writing.
Sometimes (in fact, most times) writing is hard.
There's just no getting around this fact, but don't let the occasional struggle EVERY writer experiences when it comes to producing output deter you from doing it at all.
Remember, in order to produce something that you and others will be pleased to read you must take the first step on the path, and that means sitting down and starting to write.
In order to help yourself when it comes to writing, try to set aside time for research and and putting all those ideas bouncing around in your head down onto paper or into your word processing program.
Many writers report far more productivity after they've made the effort to block out regular time and then adhered to those blocked-out hours.
After you've finally gotten written copy created, it's going to need rewriting, rewriting and possibly even more rewriting.
Go through every line in your output and examine it in a critical and artistic light.
This will allow you to tie together any loose ends and make sure ideas or character action and other items within the output flow smoothly from idea to idea or from scene to scene, for example.
Once you think you've revised your work to the point that you like what you're reading - and think that others will also like reading it - you're going to need to engage in what's called "revision.
" Revision isn't the same as rewriting, though, but it's generally something most writers hate.
Basically, you'll need to edit your work for grammar, punctuation, random typos and anything else that detracts from the story you're trying to tell.
- Editing, in many cases, can be difficult for a writer because he or she has become so involved and familiar with their story they many times fail to catch simple errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.
In many cases, those writers who can afford to do so hire editors to take on this task.
In any event, it makes sense to step back from your work for at least an evening and then look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.
Experienced writers and authors never fail to look at their profession as something that requires them to be in a constant learning mode.
Writers try to absorb data and information as much as they can at every moment they can.
Good ones can look at the simple act of opening a can of soup, for instance, and picture the words in their mind that can bring that act to life for a reader.
In the final analysis, there's no end to the things out there that can provide inspiration to a writer.
The mechanisms involved in writing, though, usually are the same no matter the kind of writing be done, so treat what you do as an art, a craft, and a concrete process and you should soon find success in whatever type it is that you're trying to do.