How to Stay Erect for Longer
The first way to make your penis erect is to coach your penis.
As you age the pubococcygeous muscle extending from your pubis to your coccyx can lose strength making it difficult for you to keep an erection.
In order to toughen this muscle to help you regain your erectile ability, during the period you are about to urine attempt to compress your anus and stop your flow for some seconds.
Perform this exercise any time you visit the toilet, and you will slowly derive more control from your erections which will aid you to remain erect for long.
Make use of quick-acting sexual enhancement oil.
Natural penile creams like instant performer can speedily aid you to defeat erectile dysfunction and add a new proportion to your bedroom experience.
It is a good way to stay erect for longer.
Instant Performer penile erection oil is made to percutaneously transmit nutrients like l-arginine, ginkgo biloba leaf extract and ascorbic acid straight to your penile organ.
They function instantly to synthesis nitric oxide which is crucial for distending the vessels of your blood and boosting the flow of blood to your penile organ and as your penile organ starts to occupy with increasing blood, you will shortly be capable of achieving a stronger and harder erection within the space of 40 seconds which will aid you to execute through the night without your lover ever recognizing you are utilizing it.
Instant performer does work the same way as Viagra but with no dangers, risks or uncertainty which usually come with this pill rather you will encounter extraordinary erections in less than 40 seconds with no problem of headaches, loose bowels and blur vision.
You will enjoy hard rock erections, enhanced stamina and multiple orgasms that will make your partner to yell in ecstasy.