How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back? Here Are 5 Steps to Get You Started!
The good news is that it should only take a few minor adjustments in the way you're handling the situation to get you back on track.
Here are 5 things you can do right now to improve your odds.
Start acting more confident.
Though you may feel more insecure than you've ever felt in your life, it's important that he sees you as the strong person you are.
This is the person he is going to feel attraction for once more.
Minimize contact with him.
He's fully expecting you to text him every hour on the hour - throw a wrench in those plans and keep a civilized, yet distant, relationship with him.
Don't overplay it by being nasty, just keep it cool.
Make sure he sees you enjoying life without him.
Start doing things with your friends, get back into your old routine.
It's important that he thinks you're doing fine on your own.
Avoid becoming emotional in his presence.
This will only lead to desperate behavior.
The last thing you want to start doing now is begging and pleading for him to take you back or telling him how much you love him and miss him.
Avoid heated arguments.
When arguments get out of hand, things are said that can't be taken back.
This will come back to bite you later.
If you think things are getting out of hand, it's best to just walk away.
"How do I get my boyfriend back?" Well, while there are no guarantees, you can't go to far wrong by starting with these 5 steps.