Why It"s Okay to Beat the Dead Horse (Sort Of) When Article Marketing
How man different ways can you address the same topic without being redundant?How many articles on a single concept should you really submit?Sometimes it feels like we're beating dead horses, right?Well, sometimes we are.
And that's OK.
Here's why.
First, writing a handful of articles on the same topic or containing the same idea can actually be beneficial to the end user.
That's because we can't accurately determine how the reader will initially come into contact with the information.
Someone may find your article about "blue widget repair" when searching for "fixing a blue widget", but the odds are better if your article used his search phrase.
On the other hand, using the "fixing a blue widget" keyword may have made it impossible for the person searching for "blue widget repair" to find it! Confused?Don't be.
The idea is simple.
You can present variances on the same information multiple times using different language choices without guilt.
Why?You're merely increasing the number of potential roads available to access the ideas.
It isn't beating a dead horse, it's making the ideas more accessible.
There's another factor here, too.
Communicating an idea in multiple ways can increase the chance for it to be understood.
The language you'd use in a widget article to a lifelong expert in the field of "widgetry studies" will be quite different than what you'd use with a first-time widget user.
Both parties might find value in your opinion, but effective communication requires addressing both of our hypothetical readers differently.
Thus, two articles on one topic can be just fine.
If your bum marketing or article marketing is starting to feel redundant, it probably is time to add a little new information or perspective into the mix.
In most cases, however, you don't need to be too worried about covering the same material more than once.
As long as you're doing it differently and for good reasons, it's OK to beat that dead horse a little.
And that's OK.
Here's why.
First, writing a handful of articles on the same topic or containing the same idea can actually be beneficial to the end user.
That's because we can't accurately determine how the reader will initially come into contact with the information.
Someone may find your article about "blue widget repair" when searching for "fixing a blue widget", but the odds are better if your article used his search phrase.
On the other hand, using the "fixing a blue widget" keyword may have made it impossible for the person searching for "blue widget repair" to find it! Confused?Don't be.
The idea is simple.
You can present variances on the same information multiple times using different language choices without guilt.
Why?You're merely increasing the number of potential roads available to access the ideas.
It isn't beating a dead horse, it's making the ideas more accessible.
There's another factor here, too.
Communicating an idea in multiple ways can increase the chance for it to be understood.
The language you'd use in a widget article to a lifelong expert in the field of "widgetry studies" will be quite different than what you'd use with a first-time widget user.
Both parties might find value in your opinion, but effective communication requires addressing both of our hypothetical readers differently.
Thus, two articles on one topic can be just fine.
If your bum marketing or article marketing is starting to feel redundant, it probably is time to add a little new information or perspective into the mix.
In most cases, however, you don't need to be too worried about covering the same material more than once.
As long as you're doing it differently and for good reasons, it's OK to beat that dead horse a little.