How To Attract Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Why You Should Have Other Options
I'll explain why:
Even though you are probably really hung up on the idea that you want to be able to attract her back, you should realize that it may not happen. You can do all of the things that you are supposed to, and sometimes that still will not be enough to change her mind. When you have options, that's not the worst thing in the world because you know that eventually you will be able to find someone else. When you don't have any options, then it can feel like the end of the world when things don't work out because you can't see that things can be better later on.
Not only that, having only one option is going to make you act desperate for her. That's just the way that it is and no amount of will power is going to change that. You don't want to act desperate for your ex girlfriend because that is going to be an instant turn off to her. It's also going to make you do things that you would not do if you had options, like get jealous or say something bitter that you don't really mean.
Lastly, it's wise to have options because you need to know for sure if it is worth it to put in the effort that it is going to take to try and win her back. It's not an easy thing to do, there are going to be times when you just are not sure that things are going to work out. When you have more than one woman that you can see yourself dating, then it's easier to really see if you are willing to try and win her back or not. Plus, you get the chance to see if you end up thinking that another woman might be a better fit for you.