4 Magical Ways to Get Your Ex Back If it Seems There is No Chance - This is a Must Read For You
But this being a temporary phase will soon pass off even though at the moment it seems far fetched..
One magical way to get your ex back is by allowing yourself and your ex to mull over the break up and whether you want to be back with each other.
This is perhaps an ideal time to reconsider your feelings for each other and to determine whether or not you want to reunite.
Another of these magical ways is to get ahead with your life as though nothing has happened to disrupt it.
Take to some of the most exciting and wonderful activities that had been tempting you all this while but did not indulge.
When your ex sees that life has not come to a standstill for you just because they are not in it any more, will make them wonder what it is that has changed your life so progressively.
Keep them wondering! After a span of time, try sending a message to your ex asking how he or she is and also give them the latest news about your life.
Tell them about the fun you had with your new hobby like sailing or rafting and how your ex too would have enjoyed it.
But do not invite your ex to accompany you yet.
Make them feel they are missing something great not being with you.
Now that you have aroused enough excitement about your hobby your ex will take this as an opportunity to invite themselves the next time you go sailing or rafting or whatever your hobby.
Do not say no! This is your chance.
This would be your last magical way to get your ex back even though you thought there was no chance.