Article Writing - Increase Web Traffic With Article Collections
Over the past few years I've consistently written and submitted one article at a time to article syndication sites.
This used to be very effective method because few people realized the value of article marketing.
Times have now changed.
Submitting one article may sometimes produce a ton of new visitors to your web site, however you'll receive more traffic if you write and submit a collection of articles.
Why do sets of articles receive more traffic than one article? 1.
More content Sets of articles generate more traffic because you provide more in-depth content than what you can include in one article.
Instead of submitting one article for publication you can submit several unique articles.
Unique content Writing a collection of unique articles surrounding a common theme is easier than trying to rewrite an article you've already written.
A rewritten article is often just a rehash of previous content.
Quality content It takes a greater investment of thought to write a collection of articles around a theme than writing a single article on one topic.
It's fairly easy to spit out a 300 word article in a short amount of time.
Developing content for several articles on the same theme requires more investment but the payoff is greater because your content delivers greater quality.
Develop stronger relationships It's easier to do business with people who have bought from you before.
The same applies to writing content for your visitors.
A series of articles will capture and hold your readers attention more than what can be contained in one article.
Article directories prefer sets of articles When I read a high quality article on a article directory or blog, I often look for related articles to get more information.
If you see a series of articles written by the same person on the same theme you are more likely to check out what they have to offer from their web site.
Easier to repurpose You can repurpose your content for video, podcasts, ecourses, teleseminars etc.
to gain even more traffic.
Sets of articles provide lots more content to repurpose than a single article.
Become a better writer Writers become better with practice.
Writing collections of articles pushes you to develop yourown unique style of writing which ultimately makes you a better writer.
This used to be very effective method because few people realized the value of article marketing.
Times have now changed.
Submitting one article may sometimes produce a ton of new visitors to your web site, however you'll receive more traffic if you write and submit a collection of articles.
Why do sets of articles receive more traffic than one article? 1.
More content Sets of articles generate more traffic because you provide more in-depth content than what you can include in one article.
Instead of submitting one article for publication you can submit several unique articles.
Unique content Writing a collection of unique articles surrounding a common theme is easier than trying to rewrite an article you've already written.
A rewritten article is often just a rehash of previous content.
Quality content It takes a greater investment of thought to write a collection of articles around a theme than writing a single article on one topic.
It's fairly easy to spit out a 300 word article in a short amount of time.
Developing content for several articles on the same theme requires more investment but the payoff is greater because your content delivers greater quality.
Develop stronger relationships It's easier to do business with people who have bought from you before.
The same applies to writing content for your visitors.
A series of articles will capture and hold your readers attention more than what can be contained in one article.
Article directories prefer sets of articles When I read a high quality article on a article directory or blog, I often look for related articles to get more information.
If you see a series of articles written by the same person on the same theme you are more likely to check out what they have to offer from their web site.
Easier to repurpose You can repurpose your content for video, podcasts, ecourses, teleseminars etc.
to gain even more traffic.
Sets of articles provide lots more content to repurpose than a single article.
Become a better writer Writers become better with practice.
Writing collections of articles pushes you to develop yourown unique style of writing which ultimately makes you a better writer.