How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Start Today
She says that she still loves you, but wants to experience other things in life.
But you still want to be her "one".
If you want your ex girlfriend back, the worst thing to do is to become needy and bombard her with texts and Facebook messages.
I know it feels like your heart is being forcefully twisted, but being needy will not only make you feel worse, but it will decrease your chances of getting back together with her.
She needs space to breathe and becoming needy isn't giving her that space.
When you don't go chasing hard after her, it shows her that you are mature and that you can function without her which is attractive.
Remember that you can't control her.
You can't make her love you, or make her get back together with you.
All you can do is control yourself even though at times it doesn't seem like you can.
You can work on making yourself more attractive as a man.
What To Do? I know this sounds like the opposite of what you should be doing, but go out and see other women.
The point of this isn't to make your ex jealous.
But it is really for yourself.
It will show your ex girlfriend that you haven't been sulking all day over her, but that you actually are trying to build a life and meet other people.
Whenever the thought creeps in about how much heartache you feel, try to focus on what you can do today to have a blast.
Hang out with friends and have a blast instead of sitting in your room thinking all day about how horrible it is that you're not together with your ex.
After a few weeks, start calling sporadically to check up on her to see how she's been doing.
This means NOT EVERY DAY! Tell her about your dates and about your friends.
Invite her to hang out with your friends.
It's tough to get yourself to get out there and meet people especially when you feel like your heart is torn.
But getting out there will not only increase the chance of you getting back together with your ex, but it will also heal you so that when you do get back together, she comes back to a whole person.