How to Make the Right Moves to Get Your Ex Back
People in this situation don't act the way you'd expect them to, and the approach you take that you think will help your case may actually make it all worse.
What you say and how you say it can make or break your efforts to get your ex back, and a lot of people take the entirely wrong path.
The two most common approaches people make that are completely NOT what you want to do are: 1) Acting desperate.
There's no better way to dig yourself into a hole that you can't climb out of like making yourself out to be a weak, desperate, lovestruck fool who can't stand on his own two feet without her supporting him.
I know that's a brutal way to put it, but it's how your ex will almost certainly see you if you are too needy in your approach...
and you may be surprised what qualifies as "needy" to your ex-girlfriend.
2) Being too aggressive.
A lot of people go "on the attack" when they're hurt.
Retaliating comments, nasty things said, horrible things done to "get back" at your ex...
all when you're really still deeply in love with your ex and are just hurting inside so much that you lash out on the outside.
Don't kill your chances of getting back together this way...
the hostility is a great way to ensure your ex never wants to try again.
It's a delicate process to get your ex back...
it's best to have a plan to guide you through all that you do, preferably one that's stood the test of time and has been proven to work.
There are things you can do or say that honestly do work, based on the way people feel after a breakup and what human nature pretty much dictates as the "rules.