Natural Patio Ideas
- Leaving spaces between stones can add a rustic, unplanned look to a natural patio.park benches image by Sirena Designs from
Whether you're trying to keep your patio project as environmentally friendly as possible or you just like the look, a patio made from natural materials, like stone, can add curb appeal and value to your home. The term natural patio can mean different things to different people. You can use natural materials or produce a wilder, more "natural" look, but no matter what you're definition, natural patios go back to nature for their inspiration. - If you're hoping to add a more natural look to your patio space, leave space between the existing bricks or new stones. The space between the stones allows room for native plants or grass species to grow. If you'd prefer to avoid tall grass between your stones, plant one or more ground cover plants to fill the space between the stones.
- To create an environmentally friendly and natural-looking space, go green on your patio by growing a border of plants around the edge. You can plant tall or short plants depending on the look you want to create. To increase the green and natural look, place rustic-looking or stone planters or containers around the patio area.
- Water features, like fountains, ponds and waterfalls can help create a natural look to your outdoor space. To keep it environmentally friendly, choose a fountain that will filter and recycle the same water or a still water feature, like a pond. Install a recycling waterfall in a corner or as part of a retaining wall to make your outdoor patio look like a hidden grotto, or be unique and create a wishing well for guests to throw coins into when they visit.
- To keep your patio and surrounding space looking natural, work with and stick to the natural flow of the land. Create dirt or stone paths leading from your patio into the larger expanse of your yard and avoid adding things like steps unless it's absolutely necessary. If you have to add steps, make them out of natural materials, like large, flat stones.