Homemade Penis Stretcher - Why You Should Avoid Them
Should you make your own homemade penis stretcher? If your doctor has recommended this medical device, you may have been shocked to see the price.
Like many other medical implements, it comes with a high price tag.
But could you save money by making your own? There is a reason these cost so much.
A lot of research goes into designing the device.
Also, it has to be precisely calibrated do not cause damage to your delicate manhood.
If it's not set up perfectly, you can risk tearing or permanently damaging your ability to get an erection in the future.
There are lower-cost extenders available, but they have their drawbacks as well.
You have to wear the device for 6 to 8 hours a day.
The lower-cost versions generally lack some of the comfort features necessary.
So you won't be able to wear the recommended amount of time.
This will cause you to be disappointed with your results.
A good extender will have these features.
It will have a padded base, telescoping rods that lock into place, and a comfort strap.
These all ensure you get the best experience possible for your money.
With a good extender, you can expect to gain one to 2 inches in 2 to 3 months of use.
So should you make your own homemade penis stretcher? It's a risk most should not be willing to take.
You don't want to risk your future penile health in order to save a few bucks.
It's better just to shell out the dough now.