OSHA Roof Training
- Roof training mandated by OSHA helps to protect workers from an unsafe work environment, alerts them to potential hazards and explains how to prevent accidents. The employer is required to provide the necessary training to help workers avoid injury. OSHA offers ten-hour and thirty-hour training programs in roofing safety and procedures.
- The proper use of fall-arrest systems is a critical part of OSHA roofing training.roofer image by Leticia Wilson from Fotolia.com
Workers must be trained to install, maintain and take apart various fall-protection and safety systems. They also learn how to inspect these systems for any problems and signs of wear and judge the need for replacement. In addition, the worker learns how to properly wear and use safety harnesses and safety nets and what specific part these play in the operation. OSHA training also goes into site maintenance and electrical hazards. - Another key aspect of roof training is the appropriate operation of any machinery while on a low sloping roof. When a job is finished, workers are also taught how to handle the systems and equipment the correct way and how to store them. When training is completed, the employer has to provide a certificate of completion, which is signed and dated by the employee, employer and trainer.