How to Get My Boyfriend Back - 5 Important Tips
Don't go crying and begging him to take you take you back.
You surely don't want him to take you back out of pity.
Besides, this will just diminish you as a person in his eyes.
If you've done something you regret, then apologize by all means - but do it in a genuine, respectful and dignified way.
Give him some time alone to reflect upon the situation.
Just let him calm down and (more than likely) miss you being around him.
That means no phoning him at all hours of the day and night, texting like crazy, sending endless emails etc.
I know you just want to keep in touch and maybe hear his voice but you'll end up just bugging him even more.
It's difficult to judge how long to keep out of his way as you don't want to appear to not care at all by keeping away too long.
I'd suggest giving him 4 to 7 days on his own.
If you've been a close item for a good while then this should be time enough for him to miss you.
Use the time alone to reflect upon just what went so wrong with your relationship.
We're all guilty of being complacent and letting little things slide when we've been together as a couple for some time.
We try less to impress and take things for granted.
Sometimes the little things can compound into something much bigger.
For instance...
Have you put a bit less effort into your appearance lately? Have you started criticizing his friends all the time? Have you started trying to change him, his ways & habits, his clothes etc.
? Do you nag him? Are you always still getting ready whenever he calls to take you out? Do you fly into a jealous rage if he so much as looks at another girl? All these (and many more) things may well chip away at your guy's love for you in time.
So, think long and hard about what caused the break up and whether there is anything you are willing and able to turn around - permanently! 4.
Be more positive and get out there.
Even though you're probably feeling really low, you need to try and buck yourself up.
Easier said than done, I hear you say.
If you're down, your negative vibes can be felt by everyone around you.
This will include your ex boyfriend when you meet him next (see 5, below).
You'll want to have an air of positive confidence when this happens.
Before then, get yourself out socializing, get some retail therapy, go to your hairdressers etc.
Prepare your "how to get my boyfriend back" strategy.
You need a plan! There's a very apt phrase "People fail to plan, they don't plan to fail".
You need to cover all bases.
Your plan should include such things as how to make contact with your ex boyfriend; what to say (and not say); how to behave and react.
You should look and be at your best so he'll wonder what on earth he was thinking of when he dumped you.
You're going to re-ignite that flame! These tips should help you with damage limitation and prepare you for your ultimate goal of getting back together with your boyfriend.