Tummy Tuck Surgery for Men - Basics
If you are a man who has recently lost a lot of weight, or simply have started to collect excess fat around your waist line, with the addition of loose abdominal muscles, this might be just what you need.
To be evaluated for tummy tuck surgery, you should contact a local plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
To find a reputable plastic surgeon in your area contact your local hospital or the American Board of Plastic Surgery for a referral.
However, before you contact a plastic surgeon for a consult, you may want to become educated on the surgical procedures which may be appropriate for you to allow you to best utilize your consultation appointment time.
Who is a candidate? To be considered a good candidate for surgery you need to be in good physical and emotional condition.
In addition, you need to be a non-smoker who eats a proper diet and exercises regularly.
This surgery is not recommended in the place of a good diet or exercise regimen; men who have a tummy tuck should do so only after their repeated attempts at natural body sculpting through exercise and diet have failed to produce desirable results.
Tummy Tuck Surgery Alternative - Abdominal Liposuction If you are a younger man who is looking to remove small fatty deposits on your abdominal area, have elastic skin, and good abdominal muscle tone, you might want to choose to have abdominal liposuction rather than a more invasive tummy tuck procedure.
This is not an option for everyone.
Liposuction is generally a less expensive option than surgery, and it also comes with a much quicker recovery time because it does not involve the abdominal muscles.
The Procedure The male tummy tuck procedure itself generally takes about three to four hours to perform and is conducted under general anesthesia.
Your plastic surgeon will make an incision down the line of your pubic region which will slightly turn up at each end towards your hip bones.
The incision will be low enough that you can wear a swimsuit and it will not be visible.
A second smaller incision will be made around the navel.
These two incisions will then be used to remove excess fat and skin, and to reposition and tighten your abdominal muscles.
The Recovery Men who have undergone it can plan on being in a compression garment for about two weeks after the surgery.
In addition, you can assume that after your abdominoplasty you will have a lot of discomfort immediately following surgery.
The good news is that over a few days the pain and discomfort will ease and you will start to see the transformation of your abdominal area from the surgery.
Within about six weeks you can return to full duty and within a year your scars will heal and fade until they are hardly noticeable.
If you are a busy man who has noticed that as you have aged you tend to gain weight around your waistline which you have not been able to get rid of through proper diet and exercise, a tummy tuck might be just want you need.
If you are interested in a plastic surgery procedure, schedule an evaluation appointment with a skilled plastic surgeon in your area who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons.