Exercise for Firmer Breasts
- Look at yourself in a full-length mirror and honestly evaluate what you see. If you determine that you wish to embark on an exercise regimen to firm your breasts, you should have a clear understanding of where you are starting from, and a clear goal of what you wish to accomplish. Consider consulting with a personal trainer to determine whether the goals you set for yourself are attainable or even desirable.
- The exercises required to firm the pectoral muscles that support the breasts, which will ultimately help to lift the breasts and give them a firmer appearance, can be strenuous. Talk to your health care provider regarding your ability to participate in such an exercise routine.
- The most effective exercises for chest development in women involve lifting weights. Good equipment choices include a weight bench, a barbell with assorted weights and a set of dumbbells.
- Consistency is the key to toning the pectoral muscles that will give you firmer looking breasts. Most women can benefit from a routine that includes an inclined barbell bench press, inclined dumbbell chest flies and flat dumbbell bench press. For safety, you should never train with free weights without a spotter. If weight equipment is not available, the old stand-by, push-ups, can help to strengthen and tone the pectorals. The key is establishing a routine and sticking with it.