Increase Credit Score - 4 Easy Tips To Raise Your FICO Score
Part of knowing what it takes to improve your credit rating is knowing what is involved in a credit score, and how people can get a good FICO score and keep it that way.
It's easy to say that paying off your debts will improve your score, but there are some things that are specifically involved in credit ratings that every consumer should keep in mind.
Timely Payments are Reported When you make timely payments on your car note, mortgage, credit card, or anything else like that your payments are reported to the credit bureaus.
The credit bureaus reward you with a boost in your credit score.
When you fail to make timely payments, this is also recorded and can bring down your credit rating -- fast.
Responsible Credit Equals Positive Credit Ratings People think that having a credit card boosts your credit, but that is not always the case.
Using your card and being responsible with it is a great way to increase credit score however, and that is a method that many people use that are looking to establish good credit or rebuild a suffering credit score.
Don't Inquire for Credit All Around Town Every time somebody pulls your credit that isn't you, it knocks a few points off of your credit score.
The first couple of times are okay, but these inquiries can really add up if you are not careful.
This can be debilitating to your FICO score, especially if you had no idea that it took points off of your credit.
You can't say you haven't been warned about this one, now.
You Have to Pay Attention You can make all of the timely payments you want to, and if you never look at your credit report or inquire as to your score, your credit may suffer.
Some things may get on there that you are not responsible for.
While it sounds like a long stretch of the imagination, it does happen sometimes and it is your responsibility to check it.
If there is a mistake, it can be fixed -- you won't know unless you take a look.
You are entitled to one credit report free every year.
This way, you can keep up on things without having to pay a dime for a copy of your report.
It is not difficult to increase credit score and keep it that way if you know what a positive credit score entails.
Be responsible, pay your bills and the rest will come.